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Avelion - Illusion of Transparency

The Future of Metal music is here!!!
Avelion was founded in Parma, Italy in 2008 and, after some line-up adjustments, in 2011 released their first EP 'Cold Embrace'. Since then they have teamed up with Olaf Thorsen (Labyrinth / Vision Divine) to bring you the brilliant 'Falling Down', and their second EP 'Liquid Breathing'. The bands new album 'Illusion Of Transparency' is the bands masterpiece and was released on April 7th 2017 via Revalve Records.
The first track the single 'Fading Out', which you can watch the video for at the bottom of this page. Has an Electronic Metal edge of bands like Silent Decent, Crossfaith and Unzucht, The song has great vocals courtesy of singer William Verderi, who is not afraid to really go for it and show his range... which I have to tell you is really wide. The guitar work by Leonardo Freggi is simply mezmorising, you wonder why you have not heard the combination of these awesome vocals and guitar work before. Especially in this mix of Progressive Metal / Industrial and Electronic Rock which is the sound of Avelion.
I have to say I have not heard many bands that are as interesting as Avelion for a long time, maybe Tesseract when I first saw them with vocalist Ashe O'Hara. Sadly Ashe is not in the band anymore, and I have been gradually losing interest in them. But I thought they had everything on the album 'Altered State', that a Metal band needed. I think Avelion on 'Illusion of Transparency' have this, this is a ground breaking record.
The brilliance of Avelion is that they don't over do anything, they have intrecate guitar sequences along with good steady riffs and great melodies... like on 'Echoes and Freguence' the second track on the album. This song also has a great memorable electronic keyboard part, and an Iron Maiden esq. riff explosion. Again the Crossfaith electronic new computerised sound comes out, making it sound so modern. William's vocals are pitch perfect on one of my personal favourite tracks on the album 'Burst Inside', which could be taken out of the mainstream catalogue of bands like Five finger death Punch or Trivium. If it didn't have so many new groundbreaking sequences put into it.
'Derailed tails of Life' is really epic, verging on Symphonic Metal with the female vocals coming in. While older favourite 'Falling Down', comes in like a Cradle of Filth song if played by Stratavarious. Yes something to be heard, I personally can't stop playing it. They play on with catchy songs like 'Innocence Dies' and 'Waste my Time', before they slow it down for 'Open your Eyes'. They end the album with great concepts for 'Ain't no Dawn' and 'Never Wanted', the later one of the best tracks on the album.
What a great song to close a fantastic album on. Avelion are a band that have really got everything right on this album, and do not over run on this record with filler tracks. This is teen magical tracks, that any Metal fan should have in his or her collection... trust me... just buy the album and see for yourself you won't be disappointed.
Check Out! the Video for 'Fading Out' Below...