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Cannibal Corpse - Spill the beans on 'A Skeletal Domain' !!!

Joe Denby manages to tie down Rob Barrett for a quick chat about the bands awesome new album and a look back on his career.
Music Trespass: How are you today?
Rob: Good man, We are preparing to go to Australia in 4 days to do some shows there and then Japan after that.
Music Trespass: Lets talk about the new album 'A Skeletal Domain'.
Rob: Well we have twelve new songs that we recorded at Audio Hammer Studio's in Florida with Mark Lewis and I think he did a great job. We're proud and happy with what we came out with production wise. We might work with him on the next album we'll see what happens.
Music Trespass. You have hit a new milestone with this new album it's the best in my opinion since 'Kill'.
Rob: I'm very happy with all the songs I think we came up with some really good material and it's refreshing to know that we're still motivated enough to be able to write music that you know we still have some vitality after spending twenty six years as a band.
Music Trespass: What else do you have planned?
Rob: Well like I said we are going to hit Australia this weekend. We're going to do some shows there, then Japan. Then we'll have a week off then we are going to do eight shows in Russia and then we're going to begin a full European tour.
Music Trespass. You'll be hitting the UK aswell.
Rob. Yep that will be with Revocation from Boston and Aeon from Sweden.
Music Trespass: You have a book coming out about the history of Cannibal Corpse written by Joel McIver. Can you tell us a bit about that?
Rob: Well, Joel McIver came out with us during a UK run with Triptykon and Job for a Cowboy and Enslaved several years ago and he just wrote along with us and we each just separately spoke to him about different stages of our career.
Soltace 'Dark World' album cover (Pictured Above)
Music Trespass: Can we talk about the 'Solstice' you did. It's an under rated classic.
Rob: Erm yeah! It's awesome that you remember it. It's something that I did when I first moved to Florida. We recorded that album in 1992 so it's twenty two years old! Time flies but I'm very proud of that album because that was when I first started building up a name for myself in the music scene and that was definitely a proud moment recording wise and that was the first time I recorded an album doing vocals as well.
Music Trespass: What music have you been listening to lately?
Rob: I haven't actually been listening to anything new. They was a band that was on the Mayhem tour called the Texas Hippie Coalition and I bought a couple of their CD's. It's just like straight Southern Rock style stuff. Which is a little different then just listening to brutal Death Metal all the time. it's a bit of fresh air!
Music Trespass: What advice would you give to aspiring musicians?
Rob: Well you've got be pretty serious about it if you want to be in a professional band. You got to practice a lot. You've got to make sure you don't make any stupid mistakes like partying too much or making bad decisions that will ruin your career. You've got to look ahead and be professional about it.
Judas Priest 'Hell bent for Leather' album cover (Pictured Above)
Music Trespass: Iron Maiden or Judas Priest?
Rob: Oh Judas Priest! (Laughs) that actually comes up a lot so Priest definitely.
Music Trespass: Favorite album?
Rob: 'Hell bent for Leather'.
Listen! to new Track 'Sadistic Embodiment' Below...