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Charnia - Let you listen to their new album!!!

Charnia let you listen to their new album 'Dageraad' for FREE!!!
Belgian label Consouling Sounds is extremely proud to announce the release of 'Dageraad' the debut full length album from Belgium based Post-Metal / Drone / Ambient collective Charnia, this Saturday, coinciding with their performance at this year’s Incubate festival. So far, only two of songs from 'Dageraad' have been available for preview at Charnia’s Bandcamp page, but beginning today, the full album is playing at Cvlt Nation who states“Charnia has created an album that should be heard free of labels, and allowed to find its way into your soul.”
Listen! to 'Dageraad' in its entirety by clicking: HERE.
Hailing from Waasland, Belgium, Charnia combine elements of such disparate genres as Sludge, Post-Metal, Drone and ambient to conjure a mesmerizing atmosphere that can be equally terrifying and serene, haunting yet enchanting.
With five tracks in thirty nine minutes, their debut full length album 'Dageraad' features an intense, emotionally-gripping sound throughout, encompassing all of their different influences into one cohesive style and pulling the listener between worlds of complete, menacing darkness and tranquil vastness. This debut album demonstrates the potential of this incredibly talented band, and is without a shadow of a doubt the herald of even more exciting things to come.
Check Out! the Video for 'Het Dodenhuis (Unmastered Version)' Below...