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Chris Cornell - Euphoria Moorning
Classic Grunge Euphoria!!!
I actually remember purchasing 'Euphoria Morning' years ago in 1999, this was his first solo album and was quite different to his work with Soundgarden. It had a more chilled vibe to it, and on the verge of his brand new album 'Higher Truth', Chris has decided to have the album Re-Mastered / Re-Worked and Re-Released so the fans can enjoy it in it's full glory again and relive old times. Yeah that is now almost sixteen years ago that this was released, you really can't believe that it feels like yesterday.
'Euphoria Morning' sold over 75,000 copies in its first week of release and eventually sold 343,000 copies in the US alone. The album opens with the awesome single 'Can't change Me' a very strong Soft Rock / Grunge ballad. This song when it came out, I played on repeat... like quite a few other songs on the album. The song just has a real nice soft gentle feel to it, and is a great track to sing-a-long to, and shows of Chris Cornell's vocals in a slightly less edgy way... very different to what he was known for with Soundgarden.
'Flutter Girl' really shows off Chris' vocal pitches more, and must have influenced bands like Headswim, The Answer and many more plus a lot of the retro revival acts. And this is years after the original release of the record, which is quite something. The guitars are a little sludgy and Psychedelic but still keeping in with the Grunge down, but diving into Classic Rock later on in the song. Chris get's even more melancholy on the next track 'Preaching the end of the World, a heartfelt but slightly depressing song about the end of existence. But their is happy underline about having someone with you, when things go wrong. This is a very nice sentiment and makes this song quite appealing.
He get's a little Country with of course a hint of Grunge for 'Follow my Way', which has a great lift near the beginning moving up the temp and making the song more interesting. Their is so many new Country singers, who would just love to have the same tone to their voice as Cornell has, so when Chris show off how much he can bring up his vocals up... these singers are left delighted. Especially when this is backed up with some great classical guitar playing by Alain Johannes. One of the nicest things in this track is the introduction of a Theremin, it makes it far more interesting and the drums Josh Freese (A perfect Circle / Nine inch Nails) are just perfection.
The apocalyptic feel of 'When I'm Down', a song that sounds like Chris is singing in a empty bar at the end of time. Is a little bit sad and depressing, but has hints of inspiration from Mike Patton (Faith no More) when he goes all crooner. Also the strong Rock vocals, sung with feeling by Chris again stand out and he doesn't sound moany like has done in recent years. He sounds like a man that is getting his feelings out in a song and I like that. Also the 60's - 70's feel of the song really works, you can see why so many people like this album.
The groove of 'Mission' makes a good mid album section, but I would not like to be at this point in the album if I am a depressive because I would be quite down (Oh! I am a depressive damn!!!). You are save a bit from your downer by the Funky / Soulful 'Wave Goodbye', which has a feel of almost coming out of a down and feeling a little happier. I think this record must have been written in at a bad point in Chris' life. But painful moments and feelings make great Rock songs. And this Lenny Kravitz Esq. number, has so much feeling to it that it is one of though's.
You are almost taken into a dreamscape with 'Moonchild' which does take elements from some Soundgarden songs, and the 90's Rock sound of Seattle. The acoustic guitars are really stand out on this track, and really make the tune. I think 'Sweet Euphoria' is kind of the title track to the album, and it's stripped down feel makes you know where Chris was going with the album... so this makes sense that he was thinking about this song as a theme for the album.
By the time you get to 'Disappearing', which has a 'Black hole Sun' feel to it. You know that you can't fault Chris Cornell artistic styling's, and this album is a masterpiece... but why does it all have to be so depressing and hard to listen to. Maybe that is the glory of the record, and what his fans like best about him. I really like 'Pillow of your Bones', the music is stripped down to the bare minimum but I think that is where Chris' is at his best and I think that this and 'Can't change Me' are by far the best tracks on the album. Ending on the slow 'Steel Rain' you know you just listened to a great album, that has influenced so many artists.
If you love Chris Cornell with Soundgarden and Audioslave, then this is an album you just have to own. I also recommend this for fans of the 90's Grunge scene you will really get this, Yes! Soul Asylum fans that is you. This is a man that helped to create a genre and this is one of his finest moments and he did it solo with the help of a few talented friends. And the re-release of this has made it even better, which doesn't happen that much, so if you haven't got this album then I recommend you get it.
Review by Dan Devour
Check Out! the Video for 'Can't change Me' Below...