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Christian Death - Blood Moon

Really surprised how good 'Blood Moon' is!!!
If your a fan of Christian Death you will already know that Valor Kand has been the main vocalsit of the band since 1985 just before the death of Rozz Williams in 1998, Christian Death for me have never lost anything in the mix. Valor sang with Rozz, on two albums with their vocals working really nicely together, this for some was the difinitive version of the band. I love all versions of the band, but I know a lot of people will disagree with me, about Christian Death without Rozz. I have always loved the vocals of both singers, and looked up to them as a singer myself... and think both have ideas to add to the bands sound.
I remember seeing the band at the London, Underworld in Camden with Valor on vocals and remember being blown away by them. I have to admit on my musical journey I have drifted a little apart from my love of Christian Death, caused by obsessive ex-girlfriends who would play this band and The Sisters of Mercy to death at me. But listening to the new single 'Blood Moon' which has just been released by Season of Mist, I am wondering why I have. Ok the single is a little different, and maybe not quite as dark as previous albums or songs they have produced but I do think this is how maybe Christian Death should sound in 2022.
The song has a little Billy Idol, Dead can Dance vibe to it, and sounds like a classic 80's / 90's track... that could be included in a vampire movie like 'The Lost Boys'. I will be very interested to see what the other songs on the new album 'Evil becomes Rule' sound like, to see if they are back to older material or if they are embracing this new sound that I am loving.
The guitar work is just so good, it has that classic Traditional Goth sound to it... while going into the territory of the Southern Death Cult and their later incarnation that was simply called The Cult. The bridge is magical, and the female vocals by Dutch Singer / Bassist Maitri just gives a nice new definition to the song, a great depth that makes the song flow nicely. I have to say this is a single that any Goth fan, should have on their Jukebox, it's the right length for a classic single... and this is what this is.
Review by Dan Devour (Music Trespass Magazine)
Check Out! the Video for 'Blood Moon' Below...