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Corrections House - Get ready to unleash some new material!
October 28th 2013

Corrections House delight you with 'New Hymn' from 'Last city Zero'!!!

Time to unveil 'Bullets and Graves' the latest paean of mechanical decomposition from audio offenders Corrections House. An Industrialised melee of primal animosity and subsonic grit 'Bullets and Graves' comes by way of the cult’s impending debut 'Last city Zero' set for release via Neurot Recordings late next month.

Corrections House is the collective musical extractions of Mike IX Williams (EyeHateGod), Scott Kelly (Neurosis), Bruce Lamont (Yakuza), Sanford Parker (Minsk) and their minister of propaganda Seward Fairbury. 'Last city Zero' was produced by Parker at Electrical Audio, Soma Studios, 60 Psycho Hum and Nodferatu’s Lair and provides an eight track, near fifty minute investigative excursion of verse and orchestration that is at once beautifully hideous, graceful and terrifying, a true manifestation of societal ruin and psychological decay.
'Bullets and Graves' is the planet rupturing sound of steel falling from the sky. Listen via this direct link:
Additionally gluttons for punishment can still sample the mournful tide of 'Run through the Night' currently streaming at Vice/Noisey (Germany) as well as opening track 'Serve or Survive' at Pitchfork.

'Last city Zero' will be released in UK / EU on October 28th, 2013 via Neurot Recordings.
Check Out! the Video for 'Grin with a Purpose' Below...