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Crazytown - Are as good as they were in the 90's!!!

Why did this band disappear?
Crazytown ***** have always hit a lot of musical spots for me, they are Hip Hop, they are Metal they are everything they God damn want to be. Led by Brent Mazur (Aka Epic) and Seth Binzer (Aka Shifty), they have a duo that have the abilities to impress with their different musical styling. You do wonder why they are not headlining the Download festival like Linkin Park a band that near enough came out of the scene as them. Crazytown have lost various members over the years due to different reasons and took a hefty break, so I was so surprised to see them come back to London in such a full effect.
The crowd is full of loyal devotes, mostly girls probably because of their single 'Butterfly' which was a big hit with the female of the species so we can't really complain about anything their. Eye candy is always good and I think we can all agree... come on girls not being sexiest we know you have come to see Shifty's muscles. They come on to the Nu-Metal sounds of 'Batlecry' which soon is mixed into the anthem sampled 'Darkside' which is greeted like an old friend popping up to say high. It sounds as good as it ever did and you really can't believe it was released all though's years ago. On this track it's great to see the connection between Epic and Shifty as they take you right back to 1999 with full effect.
They mess around with the Rap / Hip Hop anthem 'DJ Simon Says' before launching a Funky version of 'Decorated' at you, continuing the connection we just talked about with some heavy vocals and showing that 'Darkhorse' had some great material on it and it's not all about 'The Gift of Game' tonight. Yes other material by the band really stands out in the bands set and even the new songs get a great reaction. 'Black Cloud's' melody and samples always stood out for me and I can understand why they picked this one as a single. You can see the smiles on the faces in the crowd as the almost nursery rhyme chorus comes up... backed up with some awesome rap skills showing that Crazytown are really creditable lyrically and in rap styling.
Jay Gordon (Orgy) actually featured originally on this track and it's sad he is not here tonight to join in, because he is a hero of mine. Even though Jay is not here the song is not lacking and sounds as good as it ever has before, so when it merges into 'Waste of Time' which is more up beat it doesn't sound wrong. Deadsee the new guitarist in the band seems really confident in this song and new bass player Dax is laying down a classic bass line like his life depends on it. With drummer Kapler completing the line-up, I think Crazytown haven't been this good since the late 90's and the they really look like they enjoy what they are doing.
Bret lays down a short DJ set before they break into brilliant new song 'Lemonface' which is a crazy aspect of what is to come on their forthcoming album 'Brimstone Sluggers', and that Crazytown are going a different direction that is equally good as the one they where on in the first place. I don't think 'Lemonface' is a song about having a lemon for a face, but sometimes do any of us know what songs are actually about. Well I don't think I would want a lemon as a face, but I would love to own a copy of this song. The track sounds almost like Mindless self Indulgence mixed up with Crazytown and has hints of Dub-Step and Electronica in it.
This song works really well live and really get's the party started, showing if people played the new tracks on the radio the kids would dig it. They continue this lively vibe with first album opener 'Toxic' which was always one of my favourite tracks by Crazytown. It is fast and has so many twists in it that makes it appeal to the listener, Yes!!! it does sound like the Nu-Metal track it is and does have the vibe of bands around at that time like Korn, (Hed)pe, Linkin Park or even Kid Rock.
'Change' is really laid back and chilled and gives another feel to the band but not musically because this song has the Crazytown sound written all over it. Maybe you don't know kicks at some taste buds that have not already been satisfied while 'Come Inside' shows the new direction of the band years before it actually came to life. Crazytown get Funky with 'Ashes' before they end the set to a mass sing-a-long to 'Butterfly' the bands biggest hit and a massive fan favourite.
It's a shame their is no version of 'Revolving Door' but 'Butterfly' keeps the commercial fans of the band really satisfied, while encore 'Only when I'm Drunk' has a more old school appeal so original fans are kept happy to. If your not a Crazytown fan and think they are a one hit wonder band, then listen to their back catalogue and you will see they are so much more. This was an awesome live concert from a band that put everything into their performances, and I strongly advise you to go see them live.
Crazytown - Setlist
Batlecry / Darkside
DJ Simon Says / Decorated
Black Cloud / Waste of my Time
DJ Set
Maybe you don't Know
Come Inside
Only when I'm Drunk
Review and Photo's by Dan Devour
Check Out! the Video for 'Lemonface' Below...