Crucified Barbara - Beauty Mia Coldheart talks to Music Trespass!

Mia Coldheart spills the beans on the new album!

Joe Denby Catches up with Mia Coldheart of Crucified Barbara to talk about their new album and tour.

Music Trespass: How are you today?

Mia: I'm well, It's been a long day but yeah things are good.

Music Trespass: Lets talk about your new album 'In the Red'.

Mia: It's our forth album and we recorded it in the Music-A-Matic studio in Gothenburg. It was produced by Chips Kiesby who also did our third album 'The Midnight Chase'. We chose to work with him again because we thought he did a really good job with that album. We got a good team together to take things to the next level. We recorded it in Janauary / Febuary and I think it's the best we've done so far.

Music Trespass: I was watching the video for 'To kill a Man' it's powerful stuff.

Mia: It's the first single we released and it's tackles the subject of rape and violence against women. It's something we need to talk more about it and we need change. It's not usual or comfortable to talk about that subject.

Music Trespass: The music scene in Sweden is seems to be thriving at the moment what's you take on that?

Mia: I think it's good you hear about a lot of of bands coming up. It's difficult for me to get a good view of all the bands because we are not home that much and when we are, we are rehearsing or recording. So it's hard to get an overview, but it seems to be working.

Music Trespass: I've got to ask... where did the name Crucified Barbara come from?

Mia: It's a strange story. It was before my time in the band. Back in 1998, the girls were at a festival in Denmark and they saw this guy walking around with a big cross with a blow up doll stick on it. Well in Sweden blow up dolls are called Barbara and I don't know why! it stuck! They found it symbolic.

Music Trespass: What future plans do Crucified Barbara have?

Mia: We are looking forward to a pretty massive European tour we have coming up. We hit the UK in September then we are booked up until the middle of December. So we are pretty full.

Music Trespass: What music have you been listening to lately?

Mia: In my spare time i like to switch off so I don't listen to a lot of Rock music at home I try to relax.

Music Trespass: Your top five Albums?

Mia: Alice in Chains 'Dirt, Rasing Sand', Alison Krauss and Robert Plant 'Countdown to Extinction' was really important to me when I was growing up. I recently heard someone who I really fell in love with. I went to her gig and it was the best show I have ever seen in my life, It was Mavis Staples. She is like seventy years old and her voice is amazing. All the heavy Metal guys can go hide! (Laughs!!!)

Motorhead (Pictured Above)

Music Trespass: Motorhead or AC/DC?

Mia: Motorhead!

Music Trespass: 'Ace of Spades'!!!

Interview and Questions by Joe Denby 

Check Out! the Video for 'The Crucifier' Below...


You can purchase: Music Trespass Magazine - Issue 1 - Jan/Feb 2024 and Issue 2 - Mar/Apr 


Also available from Amazon  - And will be hitting the shops soon.

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