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Demons of old Metal - Make you burn in the depths of Hell!!!

Demons of old Metal take you to the depths of Hell and back!
Joe Denby talks to Tom B Stone frontman of Demons of Old Metal about the trials and tribulations of being in a band, all things Heavy Metal.....and Imelda May! This is a band that will be making waves in 2014 so here is your chance to find out a little more about them.
Music Trespass: How are you today?
Tom: I'm great actually, I've got a few days off so been mainly in my bathrobe walking round looking like a Jedi!
Music Trespass: Lets start at the beginning, lets talk about the history of Demons of old Metal.
Tom: OK, it started in 2010. Just four guys who had played in bands all over the UK for years and years and truthfully got a bit jaded trying to get somewhere playing original material. Always getting close but no cigar. so we thought just for shits and giggles lets go out and do some covers but ones that people wouldn't normally do. So Machine Head, Slipknot songs Limp Bizkit songs, no sex on fire or smoke on the water here! Things started going well and then people started saying there's places we want you to play but they won't book you unless you start playing your own stuff! which is kind of ironic! so we started playing our own material in 2012 and it's been an endless round of recording, writing, mixing and performing and 'The Demonic Chronicles - Vol. 3' is out on Monday.
Music Trespass: 'The Demonic Chronicles - Vol. 3' is a great little mix there's shades of everything. It's a great collections of great songs. tell us about the making of the album.
Tom: With this cd we went for proper studded wrist band Metal. The first two cd's were very much drawn upon our Machine Head and Pantera influences and we thought, "Well there's all these other genres of metal that we all love why not draw upon that pool of influence" so there's a W.A.S.P feel here and a Skid Row lick there. I think today people are so fixated with pigeon holing bands into genres. It's good to look back at other stuff.
Music Trespass: It's funny Metal is sliced into so many genre's now Death Metal, Thrash Metal, Groove Metal to someone you is not into metal to them it all sounds the same!
Tom: Exactly! Hardcore, Metalcore, Grindcore, apple core! Mainly we've been tagged with old school that's fine with me. If people see a tag and think "well I like that" then hopefully they'll check us out.
Music Trespass: How are things going for the band now then? We all know it's pretty much impossible to make a living but are things turning over? you mention the band started out of the reaction of feeling jaded.
Tom: It's weird, the situation with the original material has slightly improved but you've got to be prepared to take a financial hit. you know, it sounds like you've been in bands.
Music Trespass: Yeah as bad as it gets the itch never goes away.
Tom: Don't I know it ha, ha! where we're are at the moment. We're looking at some longer range opportunities there are a few things on the boil now. We just going to get the album out there, we're going to play as much as we can but we have to be practical we're still going to do the odd covers shows because they pay and keep us afloat. When your driving long distances and getting your petrol money if your lucky! it's a shame try hiring five plumbers...
Music Trespass: Yeah I know...
Tom: But it's good the profile of the band is getting bigger we're looking at a few festivals we've got representation now we're looking for an agent. The albums coming out we're getting there.
Music Trespass: So what's next for Demons of old Metal?
Tom: We've got some shows lined up. A couple in our local area, A few all day festival things we've a few gigs booked with Evil Scarecrow later in the year. We might be doing some more stuff with Incinery. Basically put the word on the streets.
Music Trespass: what music have you been listening to lately?
Tom: Well..mostly in my car I've been going between Machine Head 'The Blackening' and Imelda May's 'Mayhem'! haha!
Music Trespass: That's in my car too my wife loves her! I've actually been trying to dissect the guitarist Darrel Highman the stuff he play's is awesome!
Music Trespass: Judas priest or Iron Maiden?
Tom: What in a fight?
Music Trespass: Yeah!
Tom: (Laughs!!!), I'd say Judas Priest because they were the first band I saw live. Actually Accept was the first band I saw live because they were the support.
Music Trespass: Ok, your favorite Judas Priest album?
Tom: 'Painkiller'
Music Trespass: Thank God! That's mine too! everyone says British Steel is their best but I love 'Painkiller'.
Tom: Yeah! 'Painkiller's' awesome! I'm showing my age now but I first saw them in 1981 at Crawly leisure Centre. I couldn't hear for three days it was amazing!!
Music Trespass: Can you tell us about the theatrics of your live show?
Tom: the horror theme came from a desire not to be anonymous (which is ironic as we are pretty much all anonymous!). For example, how many bands do you see in a black band t-shirt and either combats, skinny jeans or 3/4 length shorts? We are not a static band and we do believe in putting on a show for people to remember, with a lot of crowd participation.
Interview and Questions by Joe Denby
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