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Ensiferum - Are you ready for some Finnish vikings!

Ensiferum up their game, with Go-Go dancers and more...
Bloodstock Festival
Ensiferum **** (Main Stage) from Finland bring some thing different to the main stage of Bloodstock 2015, being one of the top bands on the Viking / Folk Metal scene.They have been making waves on the European circuit along side the likes of Korpiklanni and Amon Amarth. They also put on a great show, with great matching outfits, Go-Go dancers and smoke bombs to match the colour they are playing in that day.
They also are a great energetic live band, so this is probably why they have been grabbing so much attention from the media and Metal communities.I like the fact Ensiferum are not afraid to step out of their Viking Metal tag with elements of Heavy Metal and Melodic Death Metal at points in their songs.
Like from the start of their set in tracks like 'March of War' and 'Axe of Judgement' off the bands new album 'One man Army'. This release could be the best yet from Ensiferum, they have upped their game. Singer Markus Toivonen has really come into his own now and his vocals work so well when mixed with bassist Sami Hinkka's.
You can't believe that Markus didn't sing the clean vocals for the band for the first nine years he was in it. The vocals for the tracks on the new album, are better than ever and the fact that Emmi Silvennoinen is also on backing vocals gives them more depths. Her keyboard melodies are also really nice and give Ensiferum an extra commercial edge.
They continue with 'Heathen Horde' also off the new album, showing they really have conviction and confidence in their new material. And their traditional and modern sound of their material from old and new albums work perfectly together, so when they bring out tracks like 'Twilight Tavern' and 'Ahti' they don't seem out of place.
One of the best moments in the bands set is the awesome 'Treacherious Gods' and the fact they end the set with big signature Ensiferum balls and go go dancers for the tracks 'From Afar' and 'Two Spades'. This really makes their set seem even bigger and wins over the festival crowd, which are all now dancing around having a good time. Ensiferum are a band that are going places, and I am sure you will hear more about them in the future.

Ensiferum - Setlist
Review by Dan Devour and Photo's by Dan Devour and Devorah Ward
Check Out! the Video for 'One man Army' Below…