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Fleshgod Apocalypse - King

Fleshgod's reputation get's stronger on this release
For a number of years now Fleshgod Apocalypse has been building their reputation. With soaring potential it was with 2013’s 'Labyrinth' that the band delivered the album they had always threatened to make. It topped many end of year lists and was both a critical success as well a massively adding to their fanbase. Just over two years later with 'King'. it is crucial the band strike while the iron is hot and not peak too early. With 'King' Fleshgod Apocalypse are sure to be catapulted into the Metal’s premier league. The band has taken every element of their sound that they have built over the years and have achieved something very monumental indeed.
As much as I liked 'Labyrinth' and all I felt there was a little too much going on and found it hard to digest, with 'King' the band have kept the big orchestrations and the complex structures, everything on that album is still present but it’s reigned in and had the fat trimmed off and benefits massively for it. I would even say to someone new to the band to try this album first and then give 'Labyrinth' a try, for everyone else the hard work is already done.
While not the first band to marry Extreme Metal with symphonies many bands fall into the trap of just having strings (well…keyboards) waddling in the background and filling in the gaps while with Fleshgod Apocalypse merge the two perfectly! As it proves on the special edition of this album where you get a second disc which is just orchestral tracks.
It goes without saying there is still lots going on, it will take many a listen to fully expose everything and even while writing this I still haven’t taken everything on board but the song structures are amazing. The album is a concept album, briefly summed up it tells the tale of a King struggling to keep integrity and honesty in a corrupt empire. There are many truly majestic moments here.
Just take the 4:50 mark of opening track 'In Aeternum' with the symphonies and Francesso Paoli’s epic drums come together I defy anyone not to get that sinking feeling in their stomach. The same with “And the vulture beholds” at the 3:20 mark is breath taking. Also the track 'Parmour' which is simply a solo by soprano Veronica Bordacchini (who has been collaborating with the band since 2011) which adds another layer to the overall atmosphere.
The potential for not only the band but the individual musicians is paramount. I’m talking proper symphonies, film scores the possibilities are endless. What I love above all with Fleshgod Apocalypse is that they don’t sound like anyone else; of course you could compare them to later Dimmu Borgir or Dark Fortress or even Septic Flesh but with what they have in common with those bands still doesn’t’ give a clear idea of what this album sounds like.
All I can tell you that for the first time (to these ears at least) where Emperor or any Black Metal band may have merged orchestra’s with Metal before no Death Metal band have really hit the nail on the head. That’s where Fleshgod Apocalypse comes in. In a time where we are being told Metal and music in general is dying and there is no new talent and we are asking who is going to take over once the classic names retire or die out well here you go folks, look no further. The future of Metal is happening right in front of you. Stop living in the past and open your f**king eyes.
With 'King' Fleshgod Apocalypse have delivered both their best album to date and the album what define the rest of their careers. Two things now lads, at some point you have to either record or perform fully backed by an orchestra and you have to do an album based on John Milton’s Paradise Lost.
Review by Joe Denby
Check Out! a trailer Video for the album 'King' Below...