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Hatred Reigns - Awaken the Ancients

Awakening all fans of Extreme Metal
Wow! when I first heard this I had to stop and double check the release notes to see if it was a new project by Gorefest vocalist Jan Chris de Koeijer. Their 1992 album 'False' was one of my all-time favourites. I had to turn off my internal bias, as it got me pretty excited to get my teeth into the full Hatred Reigns release if it sounded like that already. The first track 'Awaken the Ancients' (Title track of the record) kicks off with a sample and then without any bullsh*t, slams into what they are going to deliver for the rest of the album. That’s a bloody good sign, that it is put together so well. With hindsight, and after a few listens to the album... this ftrack is the weakest on the album. Its not a bad song, and its heavy as f**k but there is so much more to come. Oh yes, this is only the weekest because the other tracks are even better.
The second offering is ‘Pain leads to Nothingness’, hits me so hard that I kept repeating the start... just to listen to it again and again. The intro is almost Death / Thrash Metal perfection, and I am just shocked it is so good. It's an incredible standout track, that knows how to fuse Metalcore song writing and not being shy to raise its head into a commercial appeal. I do wish more Metal bands would take that risk and write solid songs, their is too much copying what other are doing in this genre. This track is a f**king good example of how this kind of music should be done, with so many unique twists and turns Track three ‘To depth Unknowns’ descends into a more classic Black Metal vibe which works, as where else could you take the listener after track two (other than to the ear hospital).
The fourth incarnation on the album is my personal favourite 'Obsolarium’. Ok, that was unexpected 'Arise' era Sepultura, with a f**king solid intro. The shortest track on the album but isn’t lacking in anything at all. Track five, I really had to check it wasn’t Gorefest again. Epic and impactful. The longest track on the album and the one with the most complex guitar lead lines. While the skill is masterful I think it works better when stripped down, which they do with the more metalcore riffage towards the end. Sixth gem is 'Planes Divide’ which is designed to impress I think. The busiest lead lines and double kick drum are really out there. While the skills here are undeniably next fucking level. I think they work best when they keep things violently simple. Track seven follows the 'Planes Divide' formula, but back with the classic 'Arise' era Sepultura. The duel vocal style here pays off bringing style to that classic sounds, making it feel fresh instead of just what was expected.
‘Departing Archeon’, grabs me where I didn’t expect (You can see the video for this at the bottom of this page). This time the vocal and lyrics are instantly engaging... accessible and menacing ‘Welcome... We’ve been waiting for You…’ which somehow made me smile from ear to ear. And just wait for that main riff – it's f**king perfection. Simple, brutal and so utterly worthy of a headbang. Looking over the release notes they compare their release to 'Origin', Suffocation, and Hideous Divinity, but I’m getting vibes of classic Thrash and Death Metal. Think early Sepultura, Gorefest and Carcass, especially with that DIY ethos those thrown in too. It enables them to keep their influences close to their heart and do exactly what they want to. Overall, it took me a few listens to the album to appreciate how good it is. It’s a complex album that doesn’t hide behind overly technical playing ... it knows how to keep the riffs simple, crunchy and heavy.
The real complexity is how they hold off those multitude of different riffs until they hit you when you least expect. How the f**k they could do that live is a miracle and a testimony to how good they are. They do nearly run the risk of being just another Death band, but there is enough here to lift them above the rest of the crowd. If they don’t grab you by the first listen, go back and try again. Its worth it. Incredible stuff.
Review by Jason Pearson
Check Out! the Video for 'Departing Acheron' Below...