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Icon of Coil - Get you on your feet dancing!!!

Tonight EBM Karaoke is simply brilliant!
Icon of Coil **** Andy LaPlegua is the mastermind behind Combichrist, but not everyone knows that he first got noticed with his EBM project Icon of Coil. Tonight's stripped down show on the bands first ever UK tour is a little like EBM Karaoke but the force and dynamics that the performance is shown is electrifying. The due launch into action with Andy going crazy moving from side to side and with Sebastian R. Komor nodding his head back and fourth while great EBM music launches out of the speakers at the side of the stage.
Songs like 'Regret' and 'Thrillcapsule' start us off while it is not until it get's time for first single 'Shallow Nation' everyone is in a good spirits and even Andy has a smile on his face, he is really enjoying himself and this makes him come accross very well to the audience. 'Shallow Nation' was first released a massive thirteen years ago, which doesn't show, because it seems still quite modern and up to date. 'Stimulated'does what is said on the tin and stimulates us while 'Dead enough for Life' really get us going... in every sence.
Before we get our last few songs in the bands quite short set, 'Floorkiller' which is a perfect songs to end the evening on a high, 'Floorkiller' has a big shot of adrenaline running through it vains. This song should have been called 'Floor Filler'because everytime it's played that is exactly what happens, the dance floor is filled with Cyber Goths and Darkwave fanatics ready to dance like nutters to thed anthem Esq song. 'Pursuit' brings you ups and downs before the set suddenly comes to a final hault and your realise your time is over. Their was a lot of people in attendance tonight that only knew Andy for Combichrist and have been won over to the music ofIcon of Coil which is a job well done and I had a great time to, next time I would like to see a full band set. But then again the fact the band is playing over here again is enough for now.
Icon of Coil - Setlist
Situations like These
Existence in Progress
Shallow Nation
Dead enough for Life
Review and Photo's by Dan Devour
Listen! to the Track 'Floorkiller' Below...