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Jealous Nostril - Johnny Borrell is back with a new project

Introducing: Jealous Nostril
Jealous Nostril are a heavy Alternative Art-Rock band from London, that we recommend you check out. They were formed by Johnny Borrell (Razorlight / The Libertines / Florence and the Machine) and Jack Flanagan (Mystery Jets) in the summer of 2022, enlisting Ellis D (ELLiS D) on drums. They are a purists three piece, no computers, no click track, one overdub per song, recording on tape.... As Johnny put it 'in terms of our recording approach we're more Jack White than Jack White'.
'We basically created this whole band in all the downtime while I was sitting around waiting for Razorlight to get into the rehearsal studio. In this Pop-heavy / heavy-Pop world that we're in at the moment, it's probably fair to say that California might be very much one of the least single-y tracks we have at the moment, which actually suits us pretty well, we're quite happy for people to underestimate us for a little while longer.' - Johnny Borrell (Razorlight / The Libertines / Florence and the Machine)
Check Out! the Video for 'California is their Kryptonite' Below...