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The King is Blind - Our Father

Solid album that goes from Death Metal to Hardcore
Straight out of the gate I have to say what I love about this band is their complete disregard for the genre. There are elements of everything from Doom and Sludge to Death Metal to Hardcore and for good measure there is some big f**k off grooves! It’s so obvious when discussing the music and what they were doing that you can almost picture the band in the studio saying “doesn’t matter, as long as it’s heavy as f**k” and that sums the album up perfectly, heavy as f**k!.
The King is Blind seem to have come out of nowhere, I saw the odd review and post. I checked out their EP “The Deficiencies of Man” and now they are everywhere. It’s just been announced they are playing this year’s Download festival. Formed with former members of Entwined, Extreme Noise Terror and Cradle of Filth. The King is Blind have delivered a monumental album. Kicking off with a two minute barrage that is 'Genesis'... the band easily transition from fast and brutal to the slow and doom laden, the opening riff to 'Mors Somnis' will reduce yours guts to water and you can hear Kirk Windstein from Crowbar kicking himself for not writing it first.
The whole album has this grey, wintry feeling that only British bands seem to capture whether they intend to or not. It has a certain bleakness. The album flows well and the tracks, as diverse as they are they are tied together wonderfully. Just as things are getting predictable they throw in a curveball, after you get used to the thrashing and blasts you get the seven minute Doom classic 'Morning Light' and at the end of that, just to keep up the pace they throw in 'Amen' a two minute Punk track for all intents and purposes just to clean the pallet.
This album has classic written all over it, it takes a few listens to fully sink in but those repeated listens are rewarding. Again it’s great to hear an album where a band just go for it and do what comes naturally and create their own sound and atmosphere. A true credit to British Metal.
Review by Joe Denby
Check Out! the Video for 'For all the Daemons are Here' Below...