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KISS - Rock giants World of glitz and glamour hits Belgium!!!
KISS give Graspop a little sparkle and one 'Monster' of a show!!!
Graspop Festival
KISS ***1/3 (Main Stage 1) For me KISS are Paul Stanley / Gene Simmons / Ace Frehley and Peter Criss and should not be done in full make up, without all four members being on the same stage. We don't have a problem with current members Tommy Thayer and Eric Singer, we actually loved what Eric did for Alice Cooper. But we do think they should not wear the make up and costumes of past members, they could have their own costumes and make up... this would make more sense and be a lot better. But I do have a problem in being deceived, and I think the fact members are hidden behind make up that is not their own is doing this. It makes fans think they are getting the real deal, when they are not. I actually thought the last album 'Monster', was KISS' best work in a long time and is a record that people must purchase.
After the normal introduction "You wanted the best, you got the best! The hottest band in the World... KISS". They Open everything up with two of the best most Rock 'n' Roll tracks 'Detroit Rock City' and 'Deuce' and you think maybe this will be KISS' big day, the day they came back to the status of the biggest Rock band in the World. When I was a kid KISS were like mega Gods that you would never see live, only in pictures and on TV. But when I saw them live, actually at the Graspop festival a number of years ago. I realised that they are just like me and you, they make mistakes and the magic disappeared a little. Always on the moment they come to the stage, with a flash of fireworks and lights... my childhood comes back and I feel like they are 'Dressed to Kill' and ready to Rock. While they play 'Deuce', Paul Stanley lies on the ground playing his guitar looking over the side at fans. This is quite some moment for members of the KISS Army.
Also it is really nice to see fans dressed in KISS make up, which makes me think of the time me and my friends used to do the same. Every time I do this I smile and wonder what the World would look like if everyone wore KISS make up all the time. They continue on will their comeback song and title track to the album 'Psycho Circus', which is really heavy and wins over a few Metal fans in the audience. The band Rock out in unison, while Paul Stanley throws his hands into the air at the break into 'I love it Loud', which Gene Simmons takes main vocal duties on with style. When Gene is finished he spits fire into the air, which looks like a classic KISS moment from one of their music video's.
They continue on to do a classic version of 'Do you love Me' and quite recent song 'Hell or Hellelujah', which is quite some Rock song and shows they can still produce some great material. This is followed up by guitar and drum solo's, this for most bands is to waste time for costume changes or if the band is older like KISS. But for this band I think it's just to show of some of the abilities of their members, remember they have been doing segments like this since day one. Also It builds up the anticipation for classic songs like 'Calling Dr. Love' and the brilliant and sexy 'Lick it Up', which tonight is mixed with 'Won't get fooled Again' a song by The Who.
The worst part of the bands set for me is Gene's terrible bass solo, which is near enough just him slapping the bass over and over again. It does have a cool out come though when Gene spits blood and flies into the air, even though at this performance the blood doesn't seem to come out gushing that much... so looks a little pathetic. But he redeems himself with brilliant vocals on one of KISS' biggest tracks 'God of Thunder' and mega hit 'Cold Gin'. Also Paul Stanley has his moment on 'Love Gun', when he flies across the whole audience to the sound tower in the middle of the festival site. He must have some nerve to do that each night in high heels, wielding his guitar like it is an axe. They finish the main set with blasting version of 'Black Diamond', which sounds great tonight and gives you even more confidence in their abilities.
You hear their guitars clash and they come back larger than life to play versions of some of their biggest hits. The encore includes 'Shout it out Loud' a giant Rock song, Disco single 'I was made for lovin' You' a sing-a-long classic and closer 'Rock and Roll all Night' which is something I think everyone at Graspop was doing after their performance. The confetti goes up and members of the band go into the crowd on platforms... until it is time for them to leave the stage. It is also so fitting that they play their hit 'God gave Rock 'n' Roll to You' over their tannoy after they go off, because for a lot of people KISS did just this. They let people into the World of Rock and Metal and I thank them for that.
I enjoyed KISS but I would like to see a different set, hopefully containing more of the new material which I feel is really strong. If you want a good evening out to see a legendary Classic Rock band. Then KISS really do put on a show, so you can't go too wrong with going to see them... well that's if you can get tickets.
Review by Dan Devour and Photo's by Dan Devour and Dezadie
Check Out! a live performance Video of 'Hell or Hallelujah' live on Letterman in 2012 Below...