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Lou Reed - Has sadly passed away at the age of 71

1942 - 2013
Lou Reed dies at the age of 71
Here at Music Trespass are we sad to hear about the passing of a true legend Lou Reed, his influence on the music we listen to today is unquestionable and this is a major loss to the music industry. His ideas and the way he put them across was like no other and he influenced some of my favourite artists from David Bowie to Iggy Pop and thousands more, I would be here all day if I was to mention them. There is that many bands that his influence has effected. Music Trespass and the World will miss the man that was always ready to take a 'Walk on the wild Side'.
"The news I feared the most, pales in comparison to the lump in my throat and the hollow in my stomach. Two kids have a chance meeting and fourty seven years later we fight and love the same way, losing either one is incomprehensible. No replacement value, no digital or virtual fill...broken now, for all time. Unlike so many with similar stories - we have the best of our fury laid out on vinyl, for the world to catch a glimpse. The laughs we shared just a few weeks ago, will forever remind me of all that was good between us." - John Cale (Velvet Underground)
Check Out! the Video for 'Walk on the wild Side' Below...