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The Men that will not be blamed for Nothing - Play their biggest show to date!!!

Their biggest show isn't the best!!!
The Men that will be blamed for Nothing *** coming on to the stage all the guys in The Men seem to be a little nervous and Andrew O'Neil looks the most of the lot, which is strange seeing he does stand up to big audiences every night. Well this is their biggest show ever and it's almost Sold Out. If you have not seen The Men that will not be blamed for Nothing before you will not know that they are just one of the craziest bands in the World.
The Men had recently played at the London Camden Wheelbarrow and done a set that would take some beating, and tonight was not the time or place. The 'Intro'goes on and they get cheers and chants for them to enter the stage which they do. They then break into opener fast number 'Dead Ringer' before they ask you to do it for the 'Whigs' a catchy little number about Victorian whigs.
'Victoria's Secret' a song that was featured on many of a magazine goes down very well with the crowd singing it, this song is a great Punk number. The stage at the London Borderline does not seem to be right for The Men with Marc looking like he is trapped in the corner a bit. Jez though is letting it go with plenty of space on the drums.
The band that have re-released their album 'Now that's what I call Steampunk!' under the name 'The album that cannot be named for legal Reasons' decide to launch a few songs off this tonight like the classic Punk number 'Boilerplate' which really get's the audience going, before they take them back to the 'Great Stink' a pongy little number.
Andy Heitz pink bearded goggle wearing master sits down and takes you through a nice slow version of 'Mutiny' with a little help from his friend the saw, before they take you through the glories of w**king with RV Pearce MD which recieves a few giggles.
You always have to remember though that The Men love a girl in 'Googles' and their are quite a few of them in attendance today. Andrew does his normal routine of jokes, while the usual banter with Marc seems to be missing which is a shame because it is always a highlight of the set.
'Margate Fhtagn' is a funny seaside shanty that breaks into carnage and attacks of sea monsters to the tune of Death and Black Metal records and if that's not enought their song 'Gin' is just a hint for the crowd to buy them a drink, I wonder if it works because I might try it with my band.
They end with the song the crowd all wants 'Brunel' about the famous Victorianwhich everyone goes crazy for like normal. This is a good gig for The men that will not be blamed for Nothing but not their best, it's nice to see them though playing to a packed out venue. I still advise if you haven't seen them to because they are such a good live act.
The Men that will not be blamed for Nothing - Setlist
Dead Ringer
Victoria's Secret
Great Stink
Blood Red
The peoples common sense Medical Advisor
3rd class Coffin
Margate Fhtagn
Review and Photo's by Dan Devour
Check Out! the Video for 'Brunel' Below...