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Michael Schenker - Spends a little time with Helen Westby!

Guitar wizard Michael Schenker talks to Helen Westby of Music Trespass about his new album 'Bridge the Gap' and other things.
Music Trespass: Firstly Michael, may I congratulate you on your new album 'Bridge the Gap' which I’ve had the pleasure of listening to over the past few days, it’s a fantastic CD.
Michael Schenker: Thank you Helen I’m glad you enjoy it.
Music Trespass: When I spoke to you back in early March you were already well on the way to completing the recording of the album, and already had the title in mind. How long did it take to complete the whole project?
Michael Schenker: Well you know, it was like this, I had already written a lot of the music as we had a gap of around 6 months between some of the tours, so I sent material to Doogie in the New Year and he started to write down some ideas for lyrics and melodies. I knew what I wanted the album to sound like, fast, heavy and melodic but I was very happy with Doogie's ideas so we went into the recording studio, and 'Bridge the Gap' is what it says, it bridges the gap between the old and the new.
Music Trespass: On this new album 'Bridge the Gap', you don’t seem to have involved so many collaborators as you did with the 'Temple of Rock' project? Is this because you are happy with the band line up you have at present?
Michael Schenker: You know it was always going to be a growing process, Herman had been part of the 'Temple of Rock' from the start and then after Francis joined it was more than a Michael Schenker project, it was a platform to build on, bridging the gap between the old songs that I had written with UFO and MSG and so on. For Francis and Herman too, after being part of The Scorpions it was something new to continue to build on and grow, that was really what 'Temple of Rock' started, but we continue to change and grow and build on ideas. The project will continue to evolve and change. Doogie has also brought much to the band and develops ideas.
Music Trespass: Have you got any news on the next tour?
Michael Schenker: Yes, Doogie, Wayne and I are going to the USA shortly to promote the album over there, then, in March we will be doing a tour of Japan. We will then be coming back for a European tour and the UK of course.
Music Trespass: If I were to pick a couple of favourite tracks from the album, it’d have to be 'Bridges we have Burned' and 'Horizons', have you got a particular favourite?
Michael Schenker: I also like those tracks but I think my favourite is 'Where the wild wind Blows' as everything comes together so well on that track, like the writing, Dougie’s vocals and Wayne’s playing, everything seems so balanced.
Music Trespass: I’ve been lucky enough to have seen you perform live on several occasions in the last couple of years, but I have to say that you really seem to ooze energy and enthusiasm on stage these days. In fact you genuinely seem to enjoy yourself much more than in the past? Is there a particular reason for this?
Michael Schenker: You know, at first I also didn’t understand why I liked to perform live again, and then I found myself in the midst of beauty, and thought about it. It’s like this, I think it came in stages? Firstly you feel happy with your work and with what you are doing, then second stage you find yourself preparing for it, then finally it’s like you are celebrating what you do. I feel comfortable playing live now and enjoy what I do.
Music Trespass: You have gained a huge new fan base in the last couple of years, and a lot of these are youngsters. As these people were not around when bands you were in such as UFO and MSG were at their peak, are you pleased that so many younger people are listening to your music and are learning to play guitar because of it?
Michael Schenker: You know Helen, I have noticed a lot more people are walking around with guitars these days, a friend of mine said to me the other day that acoustic guitar is very popular, so it is good if anyone learns to play. As long as they are encouraged to play from within, you know, they need to show self expression and play what they want rather than just copy people from the past.
Music Trespass: I’d just like to say a big thank you Michael, for taking the time to talk to me today, and I wish you every success with all your future projects. I look forward to catching you on tour again next year.
Interview by Helen Westby
Check Out! the Video trailer for 'Bridge the Gap' Below...