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Miley Cyrus - Bangerz

I am impressed by this Pop princess!!!
Everyone on the planet has heard of the antics of Miley Cyrus (AKA Hannah Montana) recently, and we thought it was time to review her album to see if she is just a gimmick or she could be up their with artists like Madonna, Britney and Kylie. 'Bangerz' is her four record and the normal version was released in October 2013 on RCA Records and has really launched a new Miley Cyrus on to the World. Which she tried to do on her album 'Can't be Tamed' but in my Opinion didn't quite get their. After hearing raver reviews about 'Bangerz' and hearing singles on the radio that I quite liked 'Wrecking Ball, Adore You' I thought it's time that I gave the album a proper listen.
The album starts off with the single 'Adore You' which is a slow romantic song that feels really heartfelt, I like the way this song has a very simple back beat to it so it shows off Miley Cyrus' voice for what it is a good Pop voice. It does have a little auto-tune in places but I think this is just to carry he voice in a modern way. This song is far more adult sounding than her songs she did as Hannah Montana and you can see she has grown up as a artist over the last few years. The video for this song is really simple and effective too, showing you don't always have to be over the top to make an impression.
Check Out! the Video for 'Adore You' Below...
Track two the single 'We can't Stop' has a great Dance vibe to it, this is a song for the girls out on a night out. This has a feel of being out and having fun with your friends, the lyric content isn't great but classic Pop songs generally have very simplistic lyrics and this one has that and a husky Urban voice over the top in places. This is really a summer song that you can imagine being played on a hot day by the beach. The kind of title track 'SMS (Bangerz)' is a get down dirty sex track, this is a song that makes you want to grind your body to the beat. This track doesn't really do much for me and I have heard it all before, so wonder why this is the title track, maybe it's because it features the Pop princess Britney Spears who doesn't really stand out on this track I didn't even realise it was her at first. I think she is trying two hard on this track to do something risky when she doesn't really need to.
She then get's into the groove on the track '4x4' and I think she got some inspiration from Electronica and old Country and Southern music on this track but put it in a new 2014 way, maybe she has been going through her dad Billy Ray Cyrus' record collection to get some inspiration for this song. In place it reminds me of some of the loops that Patrick Cleandenim uses. 'My Darlin' which features Future is such a different track to the one before and really shows off Miley's voice and I like the way she duets with Future who vocals are run through the auto-tune a lot more. This is one of my favourite songs on the album and really shows off what she can do, and I am quite impressed by the way she commands herself on it really shows maturity.
Different covers available with the deluxe edition!
The single 'Wrecking Ball' speaks for itself, the way her vocals lift up are amazing and just what you want from your Pop icon. You can even hear some influence from Kate Bush on this song so maybe she listened to her as a kid, but what really impresses me about this song is that she is really singing from the heart which makes it a really enjoyable to listen to. She tries something new on the track 'Love, Money Party' which like the title track is a groove track that has Miley speaking in tongues, this again doesn't do much for me. 'Love, Money, Party' is though a fun track so maybe the kids would like it. On this track she has a little help from Big Sean an artist I have to admit I don't know much about.
Check Out! the Video for 'Wrecking Ball' Below...
'Get it Right' has a summer feel again and the guitars sound very Country, you can see the family influences on this and it is a little bit more like her older material. I really love the track 'Drive', like 'Wrecking Ball' it has a big sound to it and shows a great new direction for Miley. She becomes a little bit of a Diva on the track 'FU' which has a great cabaret feel to it. This is a story telling song and brings a new depth to her music. I really like this track and the Electronic beats in the back are great which I think are courtesy of French Montana who does a really good half rap on the song. This could have been in Moulin Rouge and not been out of place, would love to hear Miley sing more songs like this one.
'Do my Thing' has a more Electronic Dance feel to it and good easierly be released as a single again in this songs her vocal talent is really on show and shows what she can do when she puts her mind to it and it has a few Dub-Step light hooks in it mixed with Electronica. You wonder why some of the best tracks are at the end of the album like 'Maybe you're Right' which is a great Pop song that surely would have been a big chart hit if she had chosen to release it. The album ends on the brilliant 'Someone Else' which has a great Electronic backing and really makes you want to get on your feet and Dance.
I am so impressed by Miley Cyrus and this album, which before wasn't on my list to buy, but is now because it has some tracks I really like on it. Also if you get the deluxe version you get three extra tracks and these are worth getting because 'Rooting for my Baby' is a killer track and is as good as anything on the album and 'On my Own' and 'Hands in the Air' are well worth a listen. If you like good Pop music and Diva's that can really sing you can't go wrong with buying 'Bangerz' by Miley Cyrus because it delivers everything you would want.
Review by Dan Devour
Stickers from deluxe edition!
Check Out! the Video for 'We can't Stop' Below...