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No bragging Rights - Cycles
Superb effort, that the kids will love!
Starting of with the sludgy 'Advent of Change' which sounds very similar to the work of While she Sleeps and a killer echoing guitar to it. They move it slightly more commercial but in a sound with catchy choruses that the kids will love. This is Hardcore / Metalcore by numbers but who cares when tracks like 'Hope Theory' leave you wanting more.
This is most definitely a band that have taken it old school but also have moved with the times and taken influences from new bands like the Word Alive or Of mice & Men as well as older bands such as Hatebreed to make an album that is a easy listen.
The title track of the album 'Cycles' has nice melodies topped up with the shouty vocals of the other tracks and some nice clean vocals as well and has a degree of stop starts that could start a few circle pits. 'Fight for my Life' is a nice old school track with and old Hardcore attitude mixed with Pop Emo vocals, but it's 'Appraisals and Ommissions' that really grabs your attention. This is a CD I would purchase and play and I think if your into this genre it is a purchase you won't regret.
Review by Dan Devour
Check Out! the Video for 'Repeater' Below...