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Palm Reader - Are all hyped up and ready to go!

Palm Reader bring the noise!
Palm Reader **3/4 have been really hyped up recently and you might have read about them in Rocksound, Big Cheese or maybe even Kerrang, but do they deserve all this new found attention?. Tonight they open up proceedings on the Rocksound / Impericon tour which also consists of headliners We came as Romans and Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! and The Color Morale, which is a very impressive line-up of bands to play with. Any of these acts are bound to give Palm Reader a run for their money, question is can they live up to it and compete with the other acts.
Palm Reader hit you fast and aggressive which some very technical parts to them but I think sometimes their abilities are too drive to the foreground and some of the songs are left a little lacking in structure. Yes their is a really nice riff here and some great guitar work but were is a catchy hook that drives you into the song, it seems to be a little lacking of a hit song. Ok this is Hardcore and yes this is Metal but even bands such as Dillinger escape Plan and Converge have stand out tracks in their set and I don't think Palm Reader really have this.
They do have a great frontman in the form of Josh Mckeown who really screams out every note and launches at the crowd in a frantic motion. For me they are just a little too much like other bands around on the Hardcore scene, their seems to be this whole culture these days of if you like Hardcore and Post Punk that you should like every band that sounds this way but some of them are just a little too similar. When I was growing up bands like Thursday, Converge and Eighteen Visions were coming out of the scene and they really had something to say and this band for me just doesn't.
I would say though a couple of the members have potential and might do something really interesting in the future, so I would keep an eye on them. Especially the singer Josh who really didn't do too much wrong today, he just didn't have the material to deal with in the right way, I think he really does have a great future in this genre. I personally wouldn't recommend Palm Reader but if you like Technical Metal or drawn out Hardcore noise and the band The Smoking Hearts then you might get into this band.
Review and Photo's by Dan Devour
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