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Philip H. Anselmo and the Illigals - Walk through exits Only

Today's Greatest Metal frontman finally goes at it alone.
It's surprising Phil Anselmo didn't do this earlier but here it is his first solo album. Recorded in his own studio with a backing band of local musicians to him, the one with the highest profile is probably drummer Jose Manuel Gonzales who drums with Warbeast who are signed to Phil's label and tour regularly with Down.
Walk through exits only is a punishing, uncomfortable and unforgiving listen. It's the extreme album Phil always threatened to make. He has done numerous projects over the years. This particular one if he named it another band it would probably fall under the radar and be left to completists only. So it's getting more press and is being slightly over analyzed by certain parties. It seems to be getting a lot of comparisons to Superjoint Ritual if it reminds me of any of Phil's previous work I'd say it actually reminds me of Pantera's 'The Great Southern Trendkill'.
That probably won't make me popular with some people but it does. There's the same feeling. The blind rage, the claustrophobia But all in all comparing it to any of Phil's previous work is missing the point. It's best to listen to this with a clear head and just take it at face value. It's not an easy album to get into it takes a lot of listens until the songs start making sense but I can reassure you it is worth the effort.
Opener 'Battalion of Zero' and the title track are the highlights. The later has this awesome riff running through the chorus, well a part that repeats itself at least!. The album is better listened to as a complete piece of work though. The songs wield together nicely rather then being taken individually. It's a short album, just after half hour but it rushes through you like a train and your sort of relieved it's over but you'll be racing to put it on again mainly because you won't be sure what you just experienced! It worth noting aswell no matter what you think of these songs you'll have to agree the musicians performance on this album is spectacular!
All in all If your a fan of Phil Anselmo you'll probably snap it up anyway the more casual listener might want to listen to it through whatever means before buying it as this album isn't for everyone. It's not the best or worst album Phil Anselmo has done but it fits nicely among his extensive back catalouge. It's had mixed reviews but I want to point out a guy in Phil Anselmo's position could have put together a little super group and easily churned out a diet Pantera album and made a shit load of money instead he got some friends together and made a racket in his basement and released this challenging piece of work. For better or worse he has took a risk. In todays climate and at this point in his career that alone is commendable.
Review by Joe Denby and Photo's by Luca Viola and Dan Devour
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