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Pist.On - Cold World

Bringin' the harmonies to their sound of the 90's
Pist.On are a New York band, that have not released an EP for twenty one years... so what I really wanted to know was. Was it worth the wait?. If you don't know the band, then let me explain. Just before Nu-Metal, in a time that MTV's Headbangers Ball was massivem and then in a blink of an eye it all came to and end. The show championed bands like Pantera, White Zombie and Machine Head...And one of the bands that was in amongst them, was a band I was really into called Pist.On. If you where a fan of Manhole, who changed their name to Tura Santana... and then a new incarnation My Ruin. Then I guess you where really into this band. I really loved this time, with Coal Chamber and Human waste Project and even Pitchshifter. To be honest was the best time of my life, and Pist.On album 'Number One' was a difinitive must have record. 'Sell Out' was a great album for me, but it didn't spend as much time on the player as the first record did, I would say this was one of the best Metal albums of the 90's.
With the strong vocals of Henry Font, they really showed what they could do. But I think sometimes the name of the band, and some of the crazy antics of bassist Val Ium held them back a bit. I have to say, for me it didn't do this, but I can see why some parents might not want there kids buying a record with a boy pissing on the cover. Ok there has been quite a few line-up changes affter the first record was released in 1996, but the line-up from the second album 'Sell Out' is in place. And I did really love this record as well, ok not as much as the first. But it was still a great Metal album, so I was very excited about the bands new EP 'Cold World'.
Ok the first thing I was disappointed in was that it was only three songs, in a way for me that's more like a single in the 90's three track tracks. Most EP's had four to six songs on them, and after the long wait... I think fans of the band deserve a little more. But three songs is way better than nothing, so I was excited to put them on. The first song on the EP is the title track 'Cold World', which starts off with some aweosme harmonies. And the sound you would want from a 90's band, especially with the guitars. The harmonies drift thoughout the track, and it has a nice bridge and chorus to it. Some of the vocals in places, I have to say could be better recorded... which is strange because the harmonies are great. Their is also a nice guitar sequence half way through, and I like how they vocals get a little more chaotic and louder near the end of the song.I have to say this song really grows on you, and I like it more everytime I hear it.
'Ruin your Day' the second track on the EP starts off with chunky guitars, and then breaks and riffs that really take me back to the 90's. I have very happy that they have not evolved like other bands, they are just like the band I loved back in the 90's. With prices of Metal from the 90's sky rocketing on eBay, Yes! some of these records can go for over £100 and that's for the standard release. I think there is a call for bands like Pist.On to come back, and a mass change in the Metal scenes all around the World. I think people are fed up with screaming, and music that they can't hear the lyrics to. And they want catchy well written Rock / Metal songs again. In a way I think Metal music is going a little back in time, and I think it's about time.
Sadly I have already come to the end of the EP with the track 'Icicles', which is very different from the other two tracks. It's a groover, it's a drifter that could belong on a classic Pantera, Machine Head or other bands on the Roadrunner Records artist roster. This was before Slipknot and Korn, who changed the face of Metal all around the World. I wouldn't say 'Icicles' is a single, but it's a great album track. Perfect to listen to when you are chillin' in your room. I could see a band like Fozzy releasing a track like this, but with it being a little more up tempo... which I would have to say would totally change the feel of it. I really enjoyed this EP, and really can't wait for a full length album. So please Pist.On, would you finally make one. Pist.On is not to be confused with a band called Piston, which have come out recently. Come on check before you name your band... the only thing different is the dot and does Piston means a type of a gun. I have no idea to be honest, but it does annoy me when I am looking for this band and the other band comes up.
Review by Dan Devour
Check Out! a trailer Video for the 'Cold World' EP Below...