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Sirrush - Unveil new single 'A son set his father Free' !!!

Introducing: Sirrush
Today Italian Black / Death Metallers Sirrush unveil the new single 'A son set his father Free' taken from their upcoming album 'Molon Labe' which will be released via Non Serviam Records on November 25th 2022. The song tells the story of a young Spartan guy, orphaned by a Barbarian, who promised the spirit of his fallen father that one day he would avenge his death. 'Molon Labe' in ancient Greek: μολὼν λαβέ, molòn labé, literally "come and take", describes the epic journey faced by Greece against the Persian threat in 480 BC. The new album faces an epic World where the music is dictated by both arcane melodies reminiscent of the fury of Greek soldiers and more atmospheric and evocative melodies to remember their tenacity and devotion to their native land.
“The story of a revenge that has had to wait so long, but has finally come to free your spirit. The pressing and dynamic speed increases the battle between the two, catching breath with suggestive arpeggios that will lead the soul and strength of the warrior to fulfill his destiny.A son finally lets his father's soul rest in peace.” - Sirrush
The album was mixed and mastered at the Kick Recording Studio in Rome by Marco Mastrobuono, who has worked with bands such as Fleshgod Apocalypse. The drums were recorded by Davide Billia (Hours of Penance, Beheaded, Antropofagus) in his MK recording studio. The cover is an acrylic painting on canvas made by the Sicilian artist Lorenzo Di Vincenzo (Aka Otagron) the band’s singer.
'Molon Labe' Tracklisting Below:
01 The Path of Heroes
02 Deimos
03 A son set his father Free
04 With your Shield …or on It
05 Molon Labe
06 When muses speak to Us
07 The Vision of Megistias
08 The Last glorious Echo
09 Remember who we Were
'Molon Labe' will be released as CD digipak and digital,you can pre-orders of the new album on CD by clicking on this link: /
Sirrush are:
Otagron - Vocals, Guitars / Tiyris - Guitars / Adranor - Bass / Sculptor of Flesh - Drums
Listen! to the Track 'A son set his father Free' Below... / /