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Sonic boom Six - Impressive set that went down with a boom!!!

Classic Ska and 2-Tone with a modern edge
(Bearded Theory Festival - Meadow Stage)
Sonic boom Six **** I first have to admit that Sonic boom Six isn't really my thing, I have never been that into Pop Punk meets Ska. You know this happy Punk thing that emerged by mixing the sounds of the UK with American LA beach attitude. But Sonic boom Six really impressed me, with their infectious performance. I have to admit I did like some of these American bands like Green Day, The Offspring and later Good Charlotte. But Sonic boom Six who are a five piece band from Manchester, are more channeling No Doubt, The Selecter, Reel big Fish, Fishbone, Mighty mighty Bosstones, Voodoo glow Skulls and The Beat to name a few.
You can tell from the moment they break into their set, that it's the Laila and Barney Boom show. Their presence really shines, as the break into first song 'Piggy in the Middle'. With it's infectious licks and memorable sounds. Sonic boom Six are an act that really know their craft, and they do impress. And really do look the part, and if you are into this style... I am sure you will love every minute of their performance.
Moments I have to talk about are 'Future Shock', which is a big song. That shows off what the band can do when they put their minds to it. And 'No Man, No Right' which is a great track that has a real old school vibe to it, it sounds like it was recorded in the 2-Tone era it is that good. It has the sound of The Specials / The Selector and the beat. Mixing up Reggae and Punk with a skanky beat. This is a great dancing number, that you just can't help moving around to. And perfect of a festival, like the Bearded Theory.
They end their set with the track 'Virus' which has half a million views on YouTube, and you can see why with a great video and catchy chorus. Also on this song, they mix in a little bit more with Rap vocals which a lot of American Punk bands add to thier sound. And a few Nu-Metal riffs in the mix, in a way think BabyMetal gone Ska Punk with a help from Skindred and you will have an idea what I am going on about. So why don't you check them out, and make up your own mind. It's not for me, but maybe it's for you.
Review by Dan Devour and Photos by Dan Devour and Dezadie
Sonic boom Six - Setlist
Piggy in the Middle
Meanwhile, Back in the real World...
Future Shock
No Man, No Right
The Road to Hell Is Paved with Good Inventions
Strange Transformations
Sound of a Revolution
Check Out! the Video for 'Virus' Below...