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The Wanted - What a way to say goodbye!

A real shame these boys are going their seperate ways, well let's see them on the Big Reunion in five years!
The Wanted ***** have been talked about constantly at the moment after they announced that they would be going on a hiatus. The question on everyone's lips is are they coming back or will the be gone for good, yes the word "Are they splitting" up has been talked about a lot. I personally only really got into The Wanted last year, their brand of Euro Pop / Eurodance really seems to grow on you and their songs really stick in your head.
Siva Kaneswaran the smartest dressed member of The Wanted (Pictured Above)
So I was really disappointed to hear that they were splitting up and I started to think I really missed out here, only seeing the live once before supporting Ne-Yo at the Fusion Festival in Birmingham. At this event they really impressed me and they had a really good stage presence, one member impressed me more than the rest... Max George the shaven head big builded member of the band. His voice really stood out and I wondered what he could do if he recorded a solo record, which might actually be happening now after the band has disbanded.
Nathan Sykes and Jay McGuiness (Pictured Above)
I think the difference between The Wanted and One Direction is that this band write their own songs and each one of the members has a great voice to back it up, I have seen One Direction on many award shows and the vocals at time seem really lacking and they often go out of tune or make mistakes.
Jay McGuiness always having a laugh (Pictured Above)
The Wanted always seem to put in a strong vocal performance and are always trying new things to show off their talents behind the mic. Tonight they hit the big stage of the London, o2 Arena and their is quite some anticipation amongst the fans because this might be the last time they ever get to see the boys in their full glory together.
Everything starts of with images on the video screen which stop and everyone's attention is drawn to the band standing on plinth with a curtain in front of them so you can only see their silohettes as they in turn sing the their lines for the album track 'Gold Forever' a favourite among the fans. The curtains fulls down and the band breaks into an explosive version of the song which get's the show off to an amazing start.
Max George and Siva Kaneswaran delvering the goods (Pictured Above)
This for me get's even better with their second track 'Glow in the Dark' which is my favourite song by the band and one of their most recent singles. This song has a great buzz by it and really explores the World of Eurodance and is really keyboard and beat driven. The vocals on this track are haunting and the chorus is really big, making it a Summertime Ibiza club hit and one you want to get on the dance floor to. It's probably the most Electronic song that The Wanted have ever done.
Check Out! the Video for 'Glow in the Dark' Below...
Max George get's a little too close to the flames! (Pictured Above)
'In the Middle' starts of with Max singing and is a slower placed song that kicks in when it swaps over to Tom, It then flips over to all the band doing great harmonies over the chorus which sounds really impressive.
I get the giggles at the night track 'Lightning' which is really silly and has a great fun factor behind it, it's a well put together Pop track and always goes down well live. The use of lights really help to create the atmosphere of the song and makes it stand out in the bands set. I am even jumping to this number and I am not known for my participation at gigs, the song just has something special about it.
Siva Kaneswaran (Pictured Above)
The band go back to the stairs at the back of the stage and all sit together for an emotional version of 'Running out of Reasons' a song that seems to already mean a lot to the band, the way the band work together shows a real love for performing with each other and the sound that comes out really blends together well. You have to wonder how the bands new album would have done if it had been advertised properly because all the new songs are really good and all stand out as well as classic old tracks.
Tom Parker showing of his guitar skills (Pictured Above)
Like 'Demons' which all the band play different instruments for accept Jay who seems to be in a World of his own at the side of the stage making funny faces at the audience. This song shows how talented each member of the band is because of their ability on these instruments that are played to perfection.
This song has a really catchy chorus and the tones bring out the vocals of each member of the band and Jay's line really stands out and shows that even though he is not playing an instrument he has a place in the band to and does bring some merit to them.
They stay on the instruments for 'Could it be Love' which I have to admit isn't one of my favourite songs by the band but it does go well with the previous song and the high parts are done really well and the girls in the audience seem to love it, maybe they are thinking of the favourite member singing it just for them. The song is just a little too obvious and doesn't make such an impression as some of the bands other material so for me is an odd choice to be added to the bands set tonight, which is full of all the big hits and and some of the best songs of their last album 'Word of Mouth'.
Jay McGuiness (Pictured Above)
I think this is a good name for the album because most of it's sales came from word of mouth because of the poor advertising by the record company. Anyone would think they wanted the album to fail but who will ever know it's all Hear'say and were are they now. Also it's nice that they actually play songs from 'Word of Mouth' on the tour of the same name, because a lot of acts call the tour after the title of their new album and play hardly any songs of their new album. Some don't play any at all because it's a real shame because some fans might never hear certain songs live.
Max George (Pictured Above)
Nathan starts of 'Warzone' with perfection, this song taken from the second album 'Battleground' really set the scene of that album and made in stand out as the bands come to form record. When Max launches in with his line you realise why this band are so popular they are talented and can really put their feelings into the way they sing so come across well.
The Wanted come out of the floor at the front of the ramp that goes down into the audience to perform a medley of songs of the debut album. The medley consists of the songs 'Behind Bars' a Jay led version of 'Say it on the Radio' and Tom and Max really showing off what they can do on 'Replace your Heart' and Siva showing what he can do on 'Lose your Mind'. During the medley songs it's really cool, because the platform goes straight up and the band are singing on it in the air, this makes a really nice effect and must look great to people further back with a worse view.
Max George getting really dark and moody (Pictured Above)
Tom and Siva then bring out the acoustic guitars for a stripped down version of 'Everybody Knows' and a dark and moody version of 'Heartbreak Story' which Max just goes into orbit on and shows himself off to the extreme on and his voice echo's all around the arena. This power is something to be witnessed and shows that Pop music and boy bands can be creditable to.
Nathan Sykes (Pictured Above)
'Show me Love (America)' was just made for the big stage and as it builds up you know that this is a Pop song that will go down in history and a boy band that will never be forgotten by the fans and with this thought when they 'Heart Vacancy' is really touching and it's a nice way for some fans to say goodbye. For the duration of this song fans in the crowd make hearts shapes with both of their hands and Max even tries it himself and fails drastically.
'Walk like Rihanna' is a nice little ditty that The Wanted really have fun with and get the crowd get to sing all the "Boom, Boom's!" which sounds great. Both 'Chasing the Sun' and 'I found You' are also fun and pick up the pace with the high vocals that really stand out on 'I found You' and are fun to try and do yourself.
'We own the Night' builds up the anticipation of the two closing songs 'All time Low' and 'Glad you Came' both big hits in America and the later the best way to finish everything off with. So as the final song finishes you can see a tear in Max's eyes which makes Tom follow and you feel really sad for a band that has worked so hard to succeed and feel their dream is slipping away. I can't wait to see The Wanted on the big reunion in five years, and one last thing we want The Wanted to know is that we are all 'Glad we Came' !!! thank you for the music.
The Wanted - Setlist
Gold Forever
Glow in the Dark
In the Middle
Running out Of Reasons
Could this be Love
Everybody Knows
Heartbreak Story
Show me Love (America)
Heart Vacancy
Walks like Rihanna
Chasing the Sun
I found You
We own the Night
All time Low
Glad you Came
Review and Photo's by Dan Devour
Check Out! the Video for 'Glad you Came' Below...