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Lost Society - Terror Hungry

A Thrashingly good album!
As any constant readers may be aware I reviewed Lost Society's last album 'Fast, Loud Death' I was pretty unsure about them, Yes! I found them pretty charming and they did the whole retro, comedy thing (Which I'm not actually a big fan off) but felt they won be over a little and Lost Society really seemed to pull off what they were doing and it didn't feel false or made up in any way. They seemed like a band that came from a genre that they belonged in and grew up with, which was kind of cool. When I reviewed them before I said they were a kind of cross between early Exodus with a touch of Suicidal Tendencies to boot. I also said I didn't think the record wasn't brilliant but it showed massive potential and I looked forward to seeing what they could do in the future.
Well one album on and I have to say bloody hell! This album and band are on fire! They still have their tongue firmly in their cheek and don't things too seriously but the trend i was talking about at the time seems to have died down and with Lost Society it always worked anyway. We have an opening track 'Spurgatory' which is about a minute and a half long. In this track you can hear a can of beer opening and Samy screams his lungs out kicking off the album!. 'Game Over' just kicks it's the perfect album opener and has all the Thrash elements within it. 'Lethal Pleasure' and 'Snowroad Blowout' show the band faster, tighter and above all heavier! Samy Elbanna's voice sounds rough as hell like he's been singing every night for a year, sounds like it's about to collapse any second and sounds great for it.
I love how raw and live sounding the whole album sounds, it has that "loose" sound the old Thrash albums had, not loose as in sloppy but tight because it's been practiced a hundred times and not cut and pasted in a studio. We have a bit of mid paced groove on 'Overdosed Brain' which also includes a pretty cool solo. The hilarious 'Wasted after Midnight' is destined to be a future live classic. The album closes with a pretty decent rendition of the Twisted Sister anthem 'You can't stop Rock and Roll', a track which totally sums the bands spirit up perfectly. All in all 'Terror Hungry' is a great slice of thrash in the tradition of Anthrax, Exodus, Hirax, Suicidal Tendencies and the like. If Lost Society reeked of potential on their last album here they have delivered it. A fast, raw unapologetic kick ass album... Yes!!! they did it!
Review by Joe Denby
Check Out! the Video for 'Terror Hungry' Below...