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Paris Hilton - Will release a single called 'Come Alive' !!!

Uber celebrity Paris Hilton is preparing for her second album and new single!
Socialite Paris Hilton is dabbling in singing again on a highly anticipated second studio album to be released later this year by Cash Money, Young Money Records (Can't say I have heard of them before). I have no idea why she is trying to be a singer again after the low success of her single 'Good Time' back in 2013 but you can't blame her for trying again, she does have the cash to buy a few copies for her friends (Guess that's Christmas sorted for the next ten years!!!). I am sure your all on tender hooks to buy a copy of this single and as we have more info on it, we will let you know where you can purchase your copy.
Check Out! the Video for 'Not leaving without You' Below...