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Ozzy Osbourne - The Bats fight back!!!
Bats foil Ozzy's plans to convert UK estate!
Ozzy Osbourne has been foiled by thou's pesky bats, I think their out for a little bit of revenge for biting the head off a friend of theirs. Ozzy planned to cover a part of his Buckinghamshire home when he had permission blocked because of a colony of bats living there, according to reports in the media. Ozzy reported wanted to convert his barn into a two bedroom home, until to the bats fluttered over and told the council and they refused the application.
Bats and where they roost are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act of 1981 and The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010. I think their is a pretty good song in this for Ozzy's next solo record, don't you think...? Especially after Ozzy bit the head off a bat at a concert in Des Moines, Iowa in 1982.
"Mr. Osbourne cannot convert his listed building until satisfactory surveys and related mitigation, allowing the bats and owls to remain living on the site, is submitted. We must be satisfied measures have been put in place to protect the animals before planning permission can be considered." - A Council Spokeswoman
Live Photo's by Dan Devour and big thanks to Matt 'Kohl' Brooks' for the main photo edit.
Check Out! a live performance of 'Bark at the Moon' Below...