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Grave Digger - Music Trespass talk to frontman Chris Boltendahl!!!

So many years have passed and they are still digging graves!!!
Joe Denby speaks to Chris Boltendahl about Grave Digger's awesome new album his career and all in between.
Music Trespass: How are you today?
Chris: I'm fine, I've just got back from the dentist! (laughs)
Music Trespass: Let's talk about your new album 'Return of the Reaper' which by the way is an absolute scorcher!
Chris: The compositions written by Jens Becker and myself. We started last September with all the riff collecting and writing lyrics. Then we went into the studio in February. It was a long creative process. After 'Clash of the Gods' we felt tired of doing concept albums so we said that's it and we had a new freedom on composing the new album.
Music Trespas: It's funny because with most bands the concept album is the undoing of them but you made one and everyone kept wanting more!
Chris: Yeah! more and more! but I promise we have stopped that for a long time. I don't have a topic and I am enjoying the freedom.
Music Trespass: So You won't be doing 'War of The World's; any time soon?
Chris: I can promise the next two to three Grave Digger albums will not be concept albums.
Music Trespass: Do you feel on the last couple of albums the addition of Axel 'Ironfinger' Ritt has brought a new lease of life to the band?
Chris: Yeah!!! he is a really old friend. We know each other for over twenty years and when Manni left the band I had a couple of guitar players in my mind and never thought of Axel and one day I was sitting thinking about the past then suddenly Axel came into my mind like a lightning strike then I called him I asked if he wanted to join and yes, it was a fast decision. We've had business in the past but I don't know why he never came up before.
Music Trespass: Grave Digger has been in existence now for thirty two years how does that feel?
Chris: On one side it feels long! But on the other it's a never ending creative process, a never ending journey.
Music Trespass: You have been in the music industry for so long now, what are the biggest changes you've seen?
Chris: The only thing I can tell you about this is that nowadays music is not like it was thirty years ago because it was more a culture thing and nowadays it's more about internet and streaming. Nowadays it's like buying a burger at McDonalds'
Music Trespass: What else does Grave Digger have planned for 2014?
Chris: We are playing live. we're going to Russia and Bulgaria in August / September then we are touring Europe in Italy and Switzerland. Then In January we are playing again on thirty thousand tones of Metal and we have already booked festival's for Summer of next year.
Music Trespass: What advice would you give young Musicians?
Chris: Concentrate on getting your own unique sound and style. Don't copy any bands around at the time or think about what other bands are doing get your own sound and believe in yourself. That's the most Important thing.
Music Trespass: What music have you been listening to lately?
Chris: I listen to every kind of music. I like all kinds of Metal and Hard Rock from the 80's that's my top priority. I listen to music from Greece, Portugal and also listen to folk music and some Trance I am really open minded in this direction music.
Judas Priest 'Unleashed in the East' cover (Pictured Above)
Music Trespass: What are your top five albums?
Chris: My first is Grand Funk Railroad 'Live', Van Halen 'No.2', the first album then 'Unleashed in the East' by Judas Priest. Then Tom Waits 'Heart Attack' and 'Vine' and Led Zeppelin the first one.
Music Trespass: I think you've been asked that that question more then once! normally people have to think.
Chris: I have thought about it, they are my top five I i was going to die they are what I would listen to.
Interview and questions by Joe Denby
Check Out! the Video for 'Hell Funeral' Below...