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Vader - Tibi et Igni

Death Metal monolith's keep the machine turning with album No. 11!
One of Death Metal's most important band's. It's easy to forget that Vader have actually been going since the late 80's and although they may not have released as essential albums as Death 'Leprosy' or Morbid Angel's 'Altar's of Madness' they have had a massive influence over the second wave of Death Metal bands. I think Vader bridge the gap between classic Death Metal bands such as Cannibal Corpse and Deicide and today's flagship band's such as Behemoth and Decapitated not that either of those band's are particularly new!).They were arguably the first Death Metal band from Poland and had a massive impact on Death Metal's more technical side.
While starting out as a more straight forward Thrash Metal outfit then developing into Death Metal, Vader have been around the block and owe nothing to anyone. Much like the last couple of Cannibal Corpse albums Vader worry less about technicality and extremity and focus on writing great songs. 'Tibi Et Igni' is the sound of a band letting their hair down and simply enjoying themselves doing what their good at. It's a mixed bag of an album with the Atmospheric interludes of opening track 'Go to Hell' and 'The Eye of The Abyss' and the straight forward Thrash of 'Triumph of Death' to the all out extreme 'Hexenkessel' which has blistering solo and dare I say quite a bit of melody in there too. All you need for your Death Metal fix is here on this great record.
This is also the second album with bass player Hal and drummer James Stewart and it's clear they have more then settled into the band. What's great about a band like Vader is that as forward thinking as they were earlier on it's apparent that they also keep their ear to the ground to what else is going on and keep themselves fresh. Newcomers to the band may be better starting off with 'Litany' or 'De Profundis' but on 'Tibi et Igni' Vader sound comfortable in their own skin and simply get down to business it's awesome stuff!
Review by Joe Denby
Check Out! the Video for 'Triumph of Death' Below...