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Hardcore Superstar - Doing what they do...
October 15th 2015
London, Electric Ballroom, UK


The thing is Hardcore Superstar is they are a no gimmicks kind of band, just pure Rock 'n' Roll band. So other than Rockin' and climbing on the speakers and putting the volume up to eleven, there is not a lot different they could have done over the years. Ok they do... do the disappearing drum kit in the last song of the set. But other than that it is business as usual.
Hardcore Superstar always enjoyable to watch!

Hardcore Superstar ***1/2 are a Rock 'n' Roll band from Gothenburg, Sweden that I have always followed, and have attended so many of their shows over the years. I have to admit the bands early material has the most appeal to me. Songs like ‘They are not even the new Bang Tango, We don’t celebrate Sundays’ and the brilliant ‘Rock 'n' Roll Star‘, really hitting all the spots for me.

Hardcore Superstar have a born Rockstar in front man in Jocke Berg, he just Oozes the genre that the band play. Which is a cross between Cock Rock and old time Rock ’n’ Roll… with an once of Metal in recent years added by Vic Zino who replaced original guitarist Thomas Silver seven years ago.

I have to say both guitarists are very talented and very good, but Vic and Silver appeal to a very different audiences. If you like it heavy Mr. Zino is the obvious choice, if you want it sleazy then Silver Silver is your man. It’s just all about personal preference, don’t want to take anything away from either guitarists.

I do think though Hardcore Superstar are a band that have been on the road for a long time, and maybe should take some time out to recharge their batteries a little. Because at times they seem a little tired, and run through the motions doing the Hardcore Superstar thing.

For me Hardcore Superstar have never done a bad show and put one hundred percent into everything they do. So by their own really high standards they make it hard for a reviewer and I have to say fan to make his mind up about this evenings performance.

I have to say it maybe wouldn’t be the setlist I would pick, but the good thing their is elements of most of the bands albums in todays set. Including great singles and anthems like ‘Wild Boys, Drain' in a Casket, Above the Law’ and the brilliant ‘We don’t celebrate Sundays’.

The thing is Hardcore Superstar is they are a no gimmicks kind of band, just pure Rock 'n' Roll band. So other than Rockin' and climbing on the speakers and putting the volume up to eleven, there is not a lot different they could have done over the years. Ok they do... do the disappearing drum kit in the last song of the set. But other than that it is business as usual.

Strange thing is on ‘The Cemetery’ tour, we don’t get this track off the brand new album ‘HCSS’, which is really strong and contains the brilliant ‘Don’t mean Sh*t’ and ‘Touch the Sky’ which are real stand out tracks. Also the nice semi acoustic bit, was really cool and brought something different to the bands performance.

The band have like always real stage presence and do what Hardcore Superstar do best, which is put on a fast pace Rock show. Highlights in the bands set is the fun packed ‘Guestlist, Dreaming’ in a Casket’ and ‘Last call for Alcohol’, which are still making a big impact in the bands setlist.

I don’t think this was a classic Hardcore Superstar performance, and would love to see them again but maybe in a years time. When they come back after some rest with a few new songs... they don't have to worry about disappearing to, because I don't think anyone will forget this band

Hardcore Superstar - ‘The Cemetery’ tour Setlist:
Sadistic Girls
Touch the Sky
Medicate Me
Wild Boys
Dreamin’ in a Casket
Into Debauchery
Here comes that sick B**ch
Don’t mean Sh*t
Last call for Alcohol
We don’t celebrate Sundays
Above the Law
Review by Dan Devour and Photo’s by Luca Viola

Check Out! the Video for ‘Don't mean Sh*t‘ Below…