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The Wretched End – In these woods, from these Mountains

The Wretched End return with a fantastic album!!!
After Black Metal legends Emperor first split, you only had to compare their last album to Zyklon’s debut 'World ov Worms' to see A) why the band split creatively and B) what the two main members Ihsahn and Samoth brought to the table. Ihashn pursued his progressive and experimental solo career and Samoth carried on shredding in Zyklon and now The Wretched End, while Zyklon leaned more towards Death Metal with an industrial final coat,
The Wretched End’s debut album was more Thrash but it had that coldness that associates itself with Black Metal . Following a four year absence after their so-so sophomore album 'In-Roads', I was pleasantly shocked to see the band return not only back on full form but full on Black Metal!... make no mistake 'In these woods, from these Mountains' is a Black Metal album and it’s no rehash of anyone’s glory days.
It’s a fresh, forward thinking album and a nice yet unexpected left turn for the band. 'Old Norwegian Soul' is when this really comes into play with Cosmo’s demonic yelp as the song kicks in, there’s even a little spoken word part which sounds a lot like Attila Csihar, it may well be him but the information isn’t available at this point. There are some tracks like 'Generic Drone' for example that actually wouldn’t sound out of place on an Ihsahn album, with its progressive structure and its cold sterile feel.
'Burrowing Deep' is fantastic with its haunting hypnotic melody. It’s a stunning track. Without doubt the highlight and where the band really throw in a curve ball is the closing track 'Dewy Fields' a purely clean sung track and beautifully sung as well with traditional army drums and horns Quorthon of Bathory would be proud to call his own. All in all 'In these woods, from these Mountains' is a fantastic album which is not only a return to form but a reinvention of sorts.
I would have liked a bit more ferocity but there’s plenty of that on the first two albums so with this album under their belt maybe they can mix the two extremes on future material but this is an exciting time for The Wretched End, this album has certainly reignited my interest for the band and it’s great to see Samoth has still got a trick or two up his sleeve and it’s not just Ihsahn keeping Emperor’s legacy alive.
Review by Joe Denby
Listen! to the Track 'Primordial Freedom' Below...