Harry Styles - Phones Manchester victim in hospital

May 29th 2017
Internet (Online)

Harry Styles calls Freya to say he loves her

Ariana Grande fans Freya Lewis and Nell Jones (Aged 14) went to last Monday's tragic Manchester Arena show,  like thousands of others did. But Freya  was not as lucky as other fans, and didn't get out of the concert unscaved. She is now residing in Manchester Childrens Hospital, due to the injuries she sustained from the bomb attack. Her friend Nell Jones was tragically one of the twenty two people who died from their injuries, from this horrible event.

Freya's family have been keeping everyone updated via blog posts on her school's website. The two girls attened the Holmes Chapel Comprehensive Schooand Sixth Form College in Cheshire. According to sources in the media, she woke up, to her father saying he loves her, and a very special phone call from Harry Styles the former One Direction star.

Freya Lewis (Pictured Above)

Harry Styles then had a very nice telephone conversation with her, and told her that he loved her and that everyone was thinking of her. Events like this show their is so much love in the World, and it doesn't matter how famous you are. Harry Styles here at Music Trespass Magazine we are very impressed with you, and Freya we hope you have a speedy recovery.

Check Out! the Video for Harry Styles new single 'Sign of the Times' Below...


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