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H.E.A.T - 'Into the great Unknown'

Are going 'Into the great Unknown' on album No.5
Swedish Rock band H.E.A.T are back with album number five, their last album 'Tearing down the Walls', which was a Rock masterpiece. But they really started their assault on the Rock World with their album 'Address the Nation', their first record with Erik Gronwall on vocals... after the band parted ways with original singer Kenny Leckremo. Kenny did the first two albums with H.E.A.T, but there was always something missing... that something was the vocals and onstage Pop / Rock giant Erik Gronwall. Erik Gronwall was famous before he even joined the band, he had won Swedish Idol, he also had previously released two solo albums. But I think it is in H.E.A.T he really has found his home, and his lifeforce can be felt on every record that he has recorded with them.
The album starts off with the brutal 'Bastard of Society', which is a Swedish Rock style Anthem. Think Hardcore Superstar meets classic 80's Rock and Reckless Love and you almost have it. It's a fast paced Rock song, that is great to play before you go out for the evening. The drums and keyboards are great at the beginning of second track 'Redefined', which has a little bit of a Europe vs Rasmus vibe to it. It's almost sounds like a track that would have been taken from an 80's / 90's cult movie. It has old fashioned Retro vibe to it, and I have to say I just love it... and I just can't stop playing it. H.E.A.T are a band that can cross between the World of Pop and the World of Rock and make them one, and this is why I find them so great to listen to. Like the difference between 'Redefined' and 'Sh*t City' is great, but seems to work and is not out of place... like it would be for other bands of the same genre.
Their guitar work on 'Redefined' is simply sublime and Erik's vocals are always on point, this is what makes them one of the best Classic Rock bands out there at the moment. H.E.A.T. take you into their unknown World with 'Time on our Side', which has haunting keyboards and a chorus that makes your heart melt. This is a great Pop Rock song, that has so many lifts and just won't go away from your brain. You can feel the emotion in the song, and it really makes you feel what the band where going through when they wrote it. Like in the beautiful single 'The Eye of the Storm', the passion is just incredible and they are not afraid to show it.
Check Out! the Video for 'Eye of the Storm' Below...
Andrew Lloyd Webber would have been proud of keyboardist Jona Tee (Jonas Thegel) for his intro and various segments on the track 'Blind leads the Blind', which has elements of a 'Variations' sound in it. There are so many great tracks on this album, I could be here all day talking about them. Most of these track go past you so quick like a speeding bullet, so when they get to the last track on the album... the title track 'Into the great Unknown' you can't believe the record is over. I have to say what an album, and when is the next one out... cause I really can't wait.
Review by Dan Devour
Listen! to the Track 'Redefined' Below...