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Luxury Stranger - Mix up their influences in London!

Good enough to edit their own destiny!
Luxury Stranger are a support band that really grab my attention as they warm us all up for The Last Cry. I went back into the gig area of the London Nambucca whilst they were sorting themselves out onstage and I though this band look like they could be interesting. The drummer warms up by playing a really cool tribal solo, which I thought was still part of the warm up, but no, it was the start of a very fine set. My ears went ''Ullo, Ullo, what's this then?, I quite like the sound of this!!".
This band are good, very good indeed a little bit like Joy Division here, a bit like Editors there, added with a little bit of the Jesus and Mary Chain for good measure. This all before they go back over in a different direction and the chuck in some Cure and Black rebel motorcycle Cub to make themselves even more interesting. They are tight, confident and well rehearsed and I feel very self assured. A little bit of banter with some audience members was indulged in to make a connection but nothing too overboard. I am currently listening to 'Just let me Sleep' from their 2010 album 'Commitment and Discipline' great drums, loving the drums!! Go on check this band out, you won't be disappointed three cheers for Luxury Stranger!!!.
Review and Photo's by Claudia Black
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