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Gabrielle - Soulful hits that you dream about!!!

Take your mum to see Gabrielle!!!
(Derby - Summer Sessions Festival)
In the centre of England, Derby hosted its second TK Maxx - Summer Sessions Festival on the weekend of the 12th – 14th of July. It ran Friday to Sunday with Sunday having the times rescheduled as revellers (and acts) were clearly going to be torn between music and football. The venue for the festival is under the big top in Markeaton Park, which really made a great venue for a selection of the charts biggest acts.
Gabrielle *** Now it's time for the Soulful singer Gabrielle to take to the stage, and see did so in an outfit that made you think she was taking part in a Jim Hension production. It was blue and just a bit fluffy, and most definatly made her stand out. But Gabrielle has always been a bit of fashion icon, like when she wore the sparkley eye patch in the 90's when she came out with her hit single 'Dreams'. 'When a Women' a housewives favourite sounds great, as she moves back and forth. But other than her name behind her, and the great outfit.
Their isn't much else to see, you really have to let the music do the talking. She had everyone’s arms in the air and swaying, as she went through her back catilogue of songs, which you might think you don't know. But trust me you do, they are featured in near enough every romantic movie you have ever watched. Like the song 'Give me a little more Time', which was actually featured in the Mr. Bean film... which was simply entiled 'Bean'.the MOBO wining artist performed 'Give me a little more Time', 'Sunshine' and of course 'Dreams' and load yeh more favourietes to a very happy crowd to a very happy crowd.
And talking about favourites Gabrielle really is the mum's / Housewives favourite, and the soundtrack to a Romantic film. So I think I will take my mum to see her, and I think you should too. Because I think it will be a rare treat, because she has a nice collection of slow, soft and Soulful songs. Gabrielle has been going strong for quite a few decades now, so watch out for new material from her shortly.
Review by Faye Stacey and Michael Bennett and Photos by Faye Stacey (View from the Pit)
Check Out! the Video for 'Give me a little more Time' Below...
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