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The Last Resort - Hit the Boston music rooms for a second time!

Another great performance from the World's top Oi Punk band!
The Last Resort ****1/2 have influenced so many bands in Punk which include American heavyweights Rancid who have taken so many of the legendary Oi Punk bands into their own music with Lars Fredricksen (Rancid) even forming an Oi band called the Old firm Casuals and start supporting Roi's favourite football team Millwall because they went to the games so often together.
Starting off with 'This is my England' off the brilliant new album 'This is my England - Skinhead Anthems 3' they show that they can produce great Punk with ease and that they can teach new bands a thing or two. This song has a real anthem feel to it and the tempo has a great American costal feel to it. This is a song that everyone can get involved in and is a brilliant start of their set and the way it launches off at the end is simply brilliant.
They continue the set with my favourite Last Resort song 'String em Up' off the brilliant album 'You'll never take Us 'Skinhead Anthems 2' which is one of my favourite songs by the band and they normally dedicate to the wrong un's in the World like Jimmy Saville, but they miss a trick today and don't do it for Ian Watkins (Lostprophets). "String em all Up! by the balls, line them all up, against the wall... load up the gun and aim for their face and make the World a better place!" which is a statement that we can all agree with.
The last song was a highlight of the set and they continue on with 'Coming for You' and 'Rebels with a Cause' before they hit us with the great new song 'We are Invincible' which has a killer hook to it. This is a real go down the boozer with your mates and get drunk with your friends and having a fight because you think your invincible!!! "We are invincible, we are invincible, we are invincible! come and have a go if you think your hard enough" what a great chorus and just the kind of lyrics a Last Resort fan would want because this is a band about having a good time with good friends.
While the next track is almost about the same things but more about people get in your way of a good night out, called 'Cockleshell Heroes' is a classic Resort sounding track and makes you want to get your Doc Martin's boots on and get in the pit. This continues on with track 'Working class Kids' and kicking it in with a nice change with 'Ballad of a working Man' and one for the girls 'Skinhead Baby' which usually get's the girls moving in the audience. They by accident swap around classic signature tune 'Resort boot Boys' and 'Maggie's Boys' which is a song about Margaret Thatcher on the new album and how the guys in the band had live through her reign of England.
'King of the Jungle' is always good but as one of their biggest songs should have been at the end of the set because it get's a little bit lost at this point of their set and is not as big as it should be, actually last single 'Never get a Job' sounds like a bigger tune and has a real killer chorus and as someone who has struggled with work myself at the moment I can understand why this would hit home with some many people in Britain that have been on the doll for years and feel they will never get a job.
'Attention all Units' is a track that again would be big Stateside and has so many cool parts that kick in so it get's some good skanking going on the dance floor. They end the set with the brilliant 'Violence in our Minds' a song that you really want to listen to when your pissed off because it helps you to get all the built up aggression out. I have always loved this track because I am a big fan of angry music.
They come on for the encore to play 'Better Life' and 'Skineheads in Sta-Press' which are good but not songs I would have picked to end the set on. I think the show today had better material played than the last time they played the Boston Music Rooms but I think the atmosphere in the venue was better the first time, but that is something the band can do nothing about so this was still a great set for the 'Resort boot Boys' !!!
The Last Resort - Setlist
This is my England
String em Up
Coming for You
Rebels with a Cause
We are Invincible
Cockleshell Heroes
Working class Kids
Ballad of a working Man
Skinhead baby
Resort bootboys
Maggie's Boys
King of the Jungle
Never get a Job
Attention all Units
Violence in our Minds
Better Life
Skinehads in Sta-Press
Review and Photo's by Dan Devour
Check Out! the Video for 'Never get a Job' Below...