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Mia Klose - Talks about her music and style!
Let's get stylistic with Mia Klose!
Dan Devour of Music Trespass talk to new Rock icon Mia Klose about what makes her tick and where she get's her style from.
Music Trespass: You are influenced by 80's Glam Rock / Metal bands but what do you think is the Mia Klose take on it?
Mia: The take on it is my experience of life and the way I view the World. Although I’m strongly influent by the 80's and 90's I would say that it’s definitely rock for the 20th century.
Music Trespass: Why did you decide to call your album 'London', are you paying tribute to the capital city?
Mia: The red thread through the album is London the city. All the lyrics are about people I have meet in London, place in London, feelings I have had in London so it tied it all together for me. London is such a powerful and inspiring city so it feels great to call my debut album after it.
Music Trespass: You have added two new members to your band, what do you think they will bring to your music?
Mia: They are both so skilled. Henry just got voted 7th best drummer in Prog Magazine and I think that says it all. Kalle who also is from Sweden picks things up so quick and his musical talent is spot on and perfect for the band. I think with them the live performances will be stronger then it has ever been before. Kalle is also very skilled when it comes to songwriting so I have already started to work with him on some new material.
Music Trespass: How do you prepare your vocals to sing live?
Mia: I try to not drink much alcohol and I eat healthy ,mostly vegan and work out to stay in shape. Then I try to not shout to strain my voice when I’m out in a pub or at a gig where the volume is high. Before a performance I do not talk very much to save my voice and I make sure to warm up properly and I drink a lot of water to. As my body is my instrument it’s important to take good care of it.
Music Trespass: You keep yourself busy and you know how to work hard, who inspires you to do this?
Mia: All of my family is very hard working, many of my relatives are musicians to, so I think it’s in my genes plus if you grow up and see everyone around you work hard you feel like that is natural. I know a lot of rockers hate Madonna, but to me she is a big inspiration as she has worked so hard and been so driven to take her career to where she is today. I read a book about her a few year ago and that made me even more sure that if you want to go somewhere you gonna have to work hard, none else is gonna do it for you. Just dig where you stand and eventually you will get where you want to go.
Music Trespass: I think image is very important to you, but where do you get your ideas from?
Mia: I find it very interesting with people’s personal style and image. Fashion I don’t care much about as that feels like it’s all about following the trend someone else has set. Style is about creating something creative. It’s nice to think that you are your own little painting that you can represent to the world however you want. I find inspiration everywhere; it’s the same as for music. The streets and environment of London really let u explore your creative sides so I’m happy that this has been my home town for the last few years.
Music Trespass: What is the best make up to use onstage?
Mia: Anything that does not come off easily when sweating ha, ha! I prefer quality when it comes to make up as then you have to apply it less times and it will last longer and be cheaper in the long run. I always want to make sure it’s not tested on animals to.
Music Trespass: Which bands would you most like to tour with and have you got any tours planned?
Mia: Yes we do have some touring to announce as soon as permitted. It will be some UK dates in the spring. I’d say that the dream tour would be with Motley Crue, Guns 'n' Roses, Aerosmith, KISS, Def Leppard and Witesnake! All in the same line up to ha, ha, what a wicked tour! Let’s do this!
Music Trespass: Are you going to be playing any of the British festivals?
Mia: Yes we will be playing some British festivals, this also will be announced as soon as permitted!
Music Trespass: What is next for Mia Klose?
Mia: Next up is recording on of our most popular tracks 'Living for love' as a single and release it with a music video. Then it will be rehearsing new material and write even more for the second album and we will do some touring with the new band. Last year so many of my dreams came true and it already feels like this year will be even better! As always stay tunes at <3
Questions and Interview by Dan Devour. All photo's except five band members shot by Dan Devour
Listen! to the 'Lady Killer' demo Below...